Upgrading an old computer

Heres the thing, i just got my old computer back from my sister... she locked herself out of it and it isnt quite up to par with modern computers. i just started to mess around with computers so im just learning about what is good and what isnt but i would like your assistance. I want to upgrade this thing so it can run games decently and can also run autodesk products, if possible i would like to keep it under 200$ becuase that is my budget atm.

Whats in the computer from what i could find now is as follows:

GPU nvidia geforce 6200 (is that good enough for decently running games and autocad?)

CPU intel pentium 3 coppermine


PSU 350W

i dont know what mobo it has in it and im ok with the hdd for now.

Also should i upgrade this or just wait and build a whole new computer?

reuse the case, its old and slow as hell, I could build a faster computer for $200


would it be worth it to just upgrade some of the parts in it, or should i just save up and build a new computer?

absolutly not, you can't even buy parts for it new

reuse the PSU and the Case and get this





that will be orders of magnidtude better

the closest thing to a pentium III andantech has is the fastest pentium 4 which is about 4-6 times faster than what you have and the P4 is like 20 times slower that this rig I posted


I would also get a new psu becasue it most likely to be 6+ years old and on its way out.

Not to mention that it might not even have the right connectors.

I didn't even think about that, no sata connectors





239.95 but worth the extra 40 over budget

very upgradable, want better GPU, add one in, better CPU, theres a WHOLE line of them that's better, HD 2000 is quite a bit better than a 6200

you could save up 300 bucks and stick a decent budget system in it

$119.99 and BAM! GTX 650.

really.... that gpu would be bottlenecked instantly by the computer that he has

Oh. I was adding to gigabusterEXEs build XD