Upgrade time, some advice?

Alright, my specs are as follows:

i5 2400 -cpu

Gigabyte z77 -mobo

8gb ddr3 -ram

radeon hd 6950 2gb -gpu

120gb -ssd

1tb -hdd

I have decided to get a new mobo and cpu when ddr4 comes out this year, but now i need a gpu upgrade. I would like to have an Nvidia gtx 770 but my wallet doesnt want to bleed that much, so would it be a good idea to buy another radeon 6950 2gb and crossfire it? or should i save for an amd r9 280x or 770, or could i go should i go gtx 760 4gb?

Sell the 6950 and get a 770 I reckon as there are some pretty fine cards like this > http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-n770tf2gd5oc< for quite a reasonable price.

Crossfire would only be worth considering if you were to come across a really cheap card that hasnt been thrashed mining.