Upgrade Time and need some help

First off I apologize on the randomness of my build but I built it from bits and pieces as my budget let me.


I play with a resolution of 1080p and I play World of Tanks, Skyrim, War Thunder, and Arma 3. I've been trying to stream but as you can see it doesn't work so well. My budget is tight at $300 and I'm trying to decided whether to up grade my cpu and mobo, or just upgrade my gpu.


EVGA 760 http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1a7Wj

Mobo/Cpu Combo's:

i5 http://pcpartpicker.com/p/13bU1

FX8320  http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GoEf

If you guys have any advice or better ideas I would love to hear them.




Asus Gtx 760, dont buy a new cpu, and the a8 shouldnt bottleneck it

Evga, msi, and gigabyte are good as well

I've seen some bad reviews on the Asus, so I think I'll go with the EVGA. Thanks