Upgrade Or Not?

OK guys i have an AMD radeon r9 280x asus direct cu2 top, on games like watchdogs, crysis3, far cry 3 and 4 and metro last light i can play these triple a games at 1080p maxxed settings with all the dials cranked up. However its not always smooth for example on watchdogs when im driving fast in the rain i get some fps drops and lagg and in far cry 4 some lagg and screen tearing when im in a fire fight with many enemys. OK so i brought it for £230 and im thinking of selling it for £170 pound and buying a £300 gtx 970 or maybe a £400 pound gtx 980. So my Question is do you think i should upgrade or not btw i will be playing 1080p only maybe 1440p but mostly 1080p for every game, also do you think i should just buy another r9 280x and crossfire it with this though im not sure if cross fire will work in most games. Ty for reading the long ass paragraph.

I'd wait another couple months because AMD is supposedly coming out with new cards soon.

On the other hand a second R9 280 would probably be cheaper, but performance depends on how well or how poorly the games you play handle Crossfire.

"im thinking of selling it for £170"


You won't get that...!


I watch them on Ebay and even Tri X's and Toxics fetch 130-135, with others going for as low as 110.

What CPU do you have? It may be bottlenecking. 

I'd wait tbh. Few months until AMD's new stuff comes out. I wouldn't buy a 970 though. I'd buy an R9 290. NEarly as fast at 1080p and about the same or better at 1440p. It is cheaper too. 

LOL somebody offered £170  with £10 Delivery.

Wait for AMD's next line to come out. Maxwell isn't the greatest.