Hello beautiful people!
Need a bit of advice on this one, basically my current machine is becoming a bit dated, im looking to upgrade however I am planning on saving for a holiday next spring and thus cannot afford to splash out loads of money.
It seems I have two options supposedly;
The first one would be to start a fresh build, using my HDD SSD ram (8GB) to contribute, preferably spending no more than £350 more or less $450-500 on new components.
I could get a new GPU only thing is I don't know what to get
Currently I have:
AMD athlon x4 760K @4GHz
8 GB Crucial ballistix ram (2x4 GB)
XFX Redeon HD 7770
Corsair CX 500W
MSI A75 P33 (Its shit)
What would be the best graphics card I can run off this system, also what should I change to achive this if need be.
GTX970 ,Swap the ram for 8gb sticks.
If you want to risk a 290X on 500w do that instead.
Good for another year..
Just slap a new GPU in there like @Commodore_64 suggested.
970, R9 290, 285, or wait until AMD's new stuff drops.
Your RAM will be fine for now.
I'm running the same processor and i would just upgrade the GPU and like @DerKrieger said wait until AMD's new FM2 12 core comes out.
Wat. No I meant new GPUs.
FM2+ is a dead socket there won't be any more really "new" CPUs for it. At least not ones that are significantly faster than what he has now. There certainly won't be a 12 core CPU.
True it is a dead socket but there has been rumors of a 12 core, personally i think there is no point of expanding the life of the socket anyway.
The rumors are false. AMD released the official roadmaps. Nothing on there. AM4 is the new unified socket.
Thanks for the info @DerKrieger
Keep existing
- At most I'd put a 280/280x or gtx960 in your current rig. ~ around the £150. Should get you by for the next 12months or so and will be a massive step up from the 7770.
- Then I'd sell the 7770 while its still worth something as well..
Or cpu/mb/gpu bundles
- http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/cBrtyc - i5, matx mb, r9 280x ~ £355
- but if you sell your current cpu/mb/gpu/psu grab something like this:
http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/vzvN4D - i5, matx board, r9 290, xfx gold 650w psu ~ £440
Nice one guys, considering a 280x as its a bit cheaper than the 960/970, would it be worth getting a new motherboard though?
Don't waste money on a new old socket motherboard If that's what you're suggesting, Only 2 ram slots is a drag but still, Do you have any major issues with the mobo? Also I'm wondering about your CPU/cooling etc, is there anything you can do there or are you a certified pro OC'er ;)
GTAV maxes out my 8GB ram and photo editing and such is nicer with more. 16GB! :)
280x is good enough but you get what you pay for.
I'm trying to stretch my PC out till DDR4/stacked GDDR/DX12 stuff settles down. I begrudge paying for another 8GB DDR3 knowing it's fate but such is life.
Mostly use it for gaming, so far its proved its worth, had it for nearly 2 years and cost me about £300 and it plays most games on reasonable settings, on 720p or 1080p, cooling I have a decent aftermarket air cooler however airflow is a bit sketchy in my case id pick up some fans. Any suggestions for a mATX FM2+ motherboard?
Does your case have 5¼ blanking plates that can be removed and replaced with dust filter plates?
Yeah I do, would have to make up a bracket for the fans to fit on though as it has no mounting holes