Upgrade or crossfire or both

Hello all. Been a tek follower for some time and enjoy the hell out of the site. I am currently looking to add some GPU horsepower and find myself torn between options. At current I'm running a gigabyte hd7870oc GHz and have been a big fan. I've been mulling over the thought of getting it a companion to crossfire with but I have also been liking the prices of the 7950, dont see much improvement to the 7970, and debated getting three and running trifire. Obviously the three 7950 s would blow two 7870s out of the water but I have three options I'm debating. Run two 7870s until they don't cut it and swap up to a single GPU; Grab three 7950 cards (HIS IceQ) and run in three way crossfire; Scrap my 7870 and upgrade now to a better single gpu. I like running my games on ultra and currently am running 1080 and I am playing with getting a 1440 monitor. I play pretty much everything from BF to TES, Civ, Kerbal, ect. My current rig is:

Asus sabertooth r2

Amd 8350 @4.6

32gbs ripjaws memory

Two kingston ssd's in raid 0

1tb 7200rpm hdd

Everything currently air cooled


I tend to be a fan of overkill as well. I know this falls into a lot of subjective territory but any advice as to what would be the better option for power and longevity with up comimg games or even another option is much appreciated.

a single card solution is always better in my eyes if you were going to buy 3 7950's then a GTX 780 might be a good option that card is the best thing for gaming right now the titan doesn't really add much to gaming 

Thanks for the input guys its much appreciated. Sold my 7870 Last night and was able to pick up two 7950s for a damn good price so I m gonna give the Xfire a go and see if I like it. If it works to my liking I m going to entertain a tri fire setup or even a quad.

I'd get a 4k display and worry about upgrading your GPU later