Hello all. Been a tek follower for some time and enjoy the hell out of the site. I am currently looking to add some GPU horsepower and find myself torn between options. At current I'm running a gigabyte hd7870oc GHz and have been a big fan. I've been mulling over the thought of getting it a companion to crossfire with but I have also been liking the prices of the 7950, dont see much improvement to the 7970, and debated getting three and running trifire. Obviously the three 7950 s would blow two 7870s out of the water but I have three options I'm debating. Run two 7870s until they don't cut it and swap up to a single GPU; Grab three 7950 cards (HIS IceQ) and run in three way crossfire; Scrap my 7870 and upgrade now to a better single gpu. I like running my games on ultra and currently am running 1080 and I am playing with getting a 1440 monitor. I play pretty much everything from BF to TES, Civ, Kerbal, ect. My current rig is:
Asus sabertooth r2
Amd 8350 @4.6
32gbs ripjaws memory
Two kingston ssd's in raid 0
1tb 7200rpm hdd
Everything currently air cooled
I tend to be a fan of overkill as well. I know this falls into a lot of subjective territory but any advice as to what would be the better option for power and longevity with up comimg games or even another option is much appreciated.