For the next 6 months I will break my back working to upgrade so it is really important to me to know since It will cost me about 260 Bulgarian Levas at it's current price on Amazon (to give you a perspective that is equal to about 18 months worth of campus rent).
Since it is so damn expensive for me to buy it I am trying to get as many opinions as I can before deciding on it, I am pretty sure my PSU can handle the extra 30 Watts but are those 4 extra cores worth it?
Since I want to be able record games using OBS I expect them to be really useful but then again no harm in asking.
Damn, I just gave an 8350 away. I would have sold it to you for like $50. It's worth it. The per core performance of the 8350 is nearly double that of the 840.
What might be worth looking into is the top end of the same line of CPU's the Phenom II 1090t or 1100t. These 6 core CPU's were very competent processors.You avoid having to swap your motherboard. I ran the 1090t at 4GHz and it was a rock solid performer. If your motherboard is AM3+ then get the FX8350 or 8320 if it's an AM3 then one of the 6 core Phenom's will be a nice upgrade.
That price is making me hesitant. That is ridiculous. Is rent just really cheap there? On campus rent here is about 4x the price of an 8350 here. So that is just ridiculous.
Well my scholarship for being an excellent student is 40 Levas per month, the campus is dirt cheap, other vise it is worth 2 moths of rent (my parents apartment)
On the plus side Internet is dirt cheap for 60 up and down I pay 20 levas.
Just did the conversions between Bulgarian Levas and US dollars. The price there for an 8350 isn't far off what Americans pay (when it isn't on sale, that price is cheaper than what we pay by a little). So, if you can swing it, then it might be worth it. It really depends on you and your rig though. That much money might be a lot to you. And you might not even be stressing your cpu that much in the first place. It all depends on how much you need the chip vs how much you need the money.
I had the Phenom II X4 840 and now I've got the fx-8320 which I'm overclocking to 4.0GHz, the fx-8320 is the same chip as the 8350 but at 3.5GhH in stead of 4.0GHz. I love it and I've noticed a considerable speed boost in many games.
Here me out I can tell you this is the best for me to argue as I came from this essential setup.
So in 2009 I built a rig phenom ii x4 940 and then switched a 1090t. They were similary performing, and are good but I upgraded from those to a 8320 last spring. Im loving it to death. It is a beast that I oc to 4ghz easily on stock volts.
So the 8320 is worth it over my 940 and 1090t. Def an upgrade from your 840. I would suggest you eventually get and upgraded mobo depending on your chipset. The 83xx is best on 990fxseries vs 890 vs 790 vs 690 which all are on am3 to am3+ mobos. I had a m4a79t deluxe which was from my 09/early 10 build. I upgraded in 2011 to get the crossfire v to get the 990fx chipset and it allowed my 1090t to hit 4.2ghz on air. Last spring my whole comp except the cpu was blown for some reason. Anyways the 8320 and the sabertooth 990fx are great, I kind of wish I had bought a cheaper board as Im not overclocking this cpu at all. But I still suggest 990fx chipset, just go with a board less than 140. Short from a evo deluxe you wont get anything really less than 150 from asus. ASrocks offering for a new board is like $120.
(saw your pc spec in profile) Id contact Gigabyte and see if the F8 bios version will support one of the new 95w FX chips (8320E etc). I wouldnt be putting a regular 8350, 8320 cpu in that motherboard. With it (motherboard) already having some age under it's belt chances are something will break/burn with a 125+w cpu plus its rather weak power delivery.
Its not so much power consumption as it is the power delivery. Low end boards + power demanding cpu = overloading of the motherboards power delivery circuitry which can in turn lead to overheating and cooked components such as VRMs etc.
Your link is what I was referring to (bios version F8) in my previous post. Although v. F8 supports vishera cpu's it's unclear as to its compatibility for the new 95w 8 cores.