Upgrade from a DT931? worth it?

Since I will be moving in with my girlfriend in the not to distant future this will probably be the last time in a while that I get to spend any ridiculous amount of money.

I’m currently using a BeyerDynamic DT931 open headphone and loving it. Been using there for 7 years now.
But I have been wondering for a while, what could I upgrade to. And would it be worth it?
My main usage would be for gaming and music.
Music mainly metal (all kinds), folk, DnB.
Games mainly single player stuff, so don’t have to hear it the guy is 91 or 90 degrees to my left.

Budget, nothing to grand. orpheus is a bit much but anything sub 500 would do.
So if you guys have a upgrade advice (or sidegrade) my main question would be. Why? sell it to me :wink: