Upgrade from 4790k to 6700k?

I want to know if I should upgrade to the 6700k?

Any evidence that you're maxing out the 4790k?

Stay with what you have or get a 5820K........

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I'll stay with the 4790k.

I wouldn't do it. from a performance standpoint you're not going to see much of an improvement. or at least anything worth spending $500 bucks for (Motherboard, CPU and DDR4 RAM) but then again if you have the money then why not.

If all you do is game and day to day stuff there is literally no difference in performance.

Honestly I do not believe anyone needs to upgrade ever few years excluding gpus. CPUs last easily 8 years in the performance gain. I mean quadcores from around 08 09 are fine for gaming. I am still rocking a 1090t. Well technically i updated last spring to a 8350 but my mobo died and all I had was the phenom and board. My macbook from 2012 should easily last me til 2022 (i7). My phone the g4 should last about 8 years in my opinion. So talking about upgrading the cpu unless your fine with a loss of money. I mean you'll probably sell your old cpu but still lose money. Usually when I upgrade I keep my old parts in case the unfortunate happens. You can easily do that with AMD top end at 200 and Intel 300+. Anyways its up to you and this was my opinion/answer to your question. I dont think you should upgrade unless you are really pushing your computer. With a workstation like workload.

I agree I lost my 8350 because the mobo died and I need to replace it. I swapped back to my old board and cpu the 1090t and gigabyte 890fxa ud5. I honestly upgraded like a fool a few years after building my 2009 rig. 2009 consisted of a 1090t and a m4a79 deluxe mobo. The mobo I ended up selling for the crosshair V and then a year later the crosshair died. Asus refused to replace it. I honestly might not ever get asus again. I bought a Saberooth 990fx and just recently sold that with another build and I bought the gigabyte 890fxa for 20 bucks as a spare in place of my sabertooth. Along with that I bought a ASrock one that was micro atx and was what I was using for the 8350 until it died leaving me to swap to the 890fxa and 1090t. Having all this done with I can say I have not noticed a performance difference between my 1090t and 8350 and they are 4 or 5 years apart from each other. One being a hexacore and the other an octacore. Anyways I am waiting till 2017 for a new build. I am gonna upgrade one final time to AMDs zen architecure even if it is a wash like bulldozer was. I do this because it is actually affordable to upgrade AMD unlike Intel. Anyways once I upgrade my 8320 or 1090t will become a home router and the other will remain a backup for gaming.

This is my current desktop. I thought it was on my profile but it seems it is gone.

Asus z97 gyphon motherboard
sapphire 290x trix oc
16gb of kingston blue
samsung 850 pro 128gb ssd
seagate 500gb hhd
corsair ax 860 PSU

I will stay with the cpu and will spend money on a GPU and better ram. I also want to get a HGST 6tb for storage.

That is a perfectly capable rig. Just add the storage you need and call it a day. I would wait until we have some real world data on DX12/Vulcan with games and how they affect the AMD cards. Preliminary stuff shows promise, and you might end up regretting getting rid of the 290X later on and spending more for no reason.

Just my $0.02

Nope, stay and wait, unless you're doing CPU heavy stuff (video editing etc.) in which case it might be worth going X99

nope its not realy worth it.