Soooo tonight I got myself a super dope 3700x to upgrade my pc from a 1800x (ax370 gaming 5 board on bios f40 + gtx950 + Rx580 + 4x8gb of team group ram) but the thing is that even tho my bios should support my cpu, the board does not post, the post code stay stuck on 00 but all fan and rgb goes crazy, tried to reset cmos with no luck.
Did you upgrade both bios’s it’s a dual bios board, also take out one GPU and if it boots do the following
Disable csm, enable above 4G decoding it could have reset above 4G decoding and csm settings and the board might not have a enough bar space without those settings
I realized that the second bios wasn’t updated, so I swapped my cpu back, did the upgrade on the second bios f4 → f31 → f40 this did not solve my issue tho.
For my dual gpu I tried just with one (tried with both) with no success.
I did try to go in disable csm and enable 4G decoding with the old cpu but with no more luck when swapping back.
I tried then to upgrade my main bios to f42 using the old cpu but still no luck.
Saw people saying it could be issue with 4 ram or something so I popped out 2 of the 4 stick but I am still getting the same result.
The reason I am trying to not just flash the latest bios but a confirmed supported one is that when I upgraded to f50 before getting my 3700x I realized that this bios version break my IOMMU group making gpu passthrough almost impossible.
I also saw that near the debug lcd of the mother board there was debut led, when the 3700x is in the cpu led is on
I did, by broken I don’t mean that there are no IOMMU but that suddenly just to mess around with us both gpu are suddenly in the same IOMMU in the latest bios
Since my last post, I downgraded to f31 again, found a ssd with win10 ran ecfw updater then reflashed f40 and still no luck
Do you have your CPU power cable plugged into the board from the PSU? Top left of the motherboard; should be an 8-pin connector. Also, what are the odds your PSU is bad?
The cpu was properly plugged the odd of the psu being bad is next to none
What I ended up doing was head to a computer store and ask them to test my 3700x luckily enough the cpu was not dead, so then since I already wasted to much time and frustration on the pc that I left my whole build for them to make it work, should be good this afternoon hopefully.
Ill try to ask them what I missed in my install for future google reference for anyone going through this hell.
Wasn’t sure what the rules are about posting links, so was just working through the thread on that forum, without posting the link, but I’ll just take the chance.
I actually was using displayport so that could be somthing to look into
For now I still havent had my system back since the store is closed on sunday but I should be able to pick it up tommorow, I have no idea if it worked or not since it was supposed to be done by the morning but it took more time than expected when I checked up yesterday and then did not got any news so idk what’s up there but I’ll be updating possibly with the solution tommorow.
Update, even the store where I brought my pc abandonned the project so im not sure whats up with this board so I changed the board cause I wanted my pc back and quickly and upgraded.
Sorry everyone not really the answer we were looking for but look like just some motherboard even if they claim they can get 3rd gen ryzen with bios update will have some particular issues