Upgrade advice for a all ready decent system

Ok so I have some ideas all ready but I really would love to run it by you fine folks and get any of your thoughts on it. I currently run a:
i5 2500 (non K turbo'ed to 3.8)
Asus P8P67 (yea the original one with the messed up sata 3gb ports)
8GB of G.Skill 1333 ripjaws
AMD 6850 1GB oc'ed to 925/1150
WD 500GB Blue
Win 7 64bit

So as you can see the rig isn't bad. It play every game without issue (sometimes needs msaa disabled) but here's the problem. I stream to twitch and record for youtube using a variety of apps such as Sony Vegas/Fraps/DXTory. As soon as I hit that record/stream button performance goes to crap (older games are fine but anything 2012+ goes to crap). Even if my framerates stay above 60fps it still feel stuttery and laggy. Even recording Crysis 3 my fps where tending to stay above 60fps while recording but it felt like 15fps.

So now I shall list what I thought would be a good upgrade and the reason for my choices. This is where I would love your input

i5 2500 (non K turbo'ed to 3.8): Was thinking about a i7 but really. Even in crysis 3 and arma (dayz) while recording my cpu only reaches about 60-75% utilization. Its spike to 90-95% for a few sec here and there but really. I dont "think" its my issue or in need of a upgrade
Asus P8P67 (yea the original one with the messed up sata 3gb ports): Yea its sata 2 ports are messed but really. Its run fine for me without any issues and the 4 remaining sats 3 ports are fine. So once again I dont think I need to upgrade this
8GB of G.Skill 1333 ripjaws: Yea rams cheap and 1333 although decent could use a boost to at least 1600 or something higher. Simple $80 could grab me a 16gb kit NP. So I cant see a reason not to upgrade this.
AMD 6850 1GB oc'ed to 925/1150: Ow how iv loved this card. Its been about 2 years with it now and its performed great (and still does) but for new games and recording on top of that its really time for a upgrade. I was thinking a 7950 or 670, can't decide which (I do like AMD more then Nvidia)
WD 500GB Blue: THIS is to me the biggest bottleneck on my system. I was going to grab a crucial m4 128gb along with two seagate barracuda's for my games and recordings.
Win 7 64bit: Trolalalaloo Win 8 SUCKS. I think il be staying on Win 7 64bit

So end result is
i5 2500 non k at 3.8
16gb 1600 ram
AMD 7950 or Nvidia 670
128gb SSD for system and 2 seagate barracuda's
Win7 64bit

Ok now tell me where I screwed up. Im sure I did somewhere in my logic. ANY tips are greatly appreciated but along with those tips I would really love to see reasons for said tips. I dont just want to hear NVIDIA RULES AMD SUCKS and so on. Keep in mind this rig will be used for gaming/streaming/recording/editing. And the BIG thing of them all, THE BUDGET! I have about $600-$800 to spend. Less would obv be nicer but hey performance costs so whatever I need. Im pretty sure with that budget I can get something that can help with my cause. THANKS in advance <3<3

p.s. Thought id add that my case is awesome (cm 690 with added fans) my PSU is a 620watt antec current gamer with 48amps on a single rail (so its pretty good) and I run 3 monitors (not in a eyefinity setup just more desktop space. I run games on just 1 of the monitors). The main monitor is 1080 the other 2 are ummm....... old random res's. Ones 1440x900 I think and the other is a old crt at what ever old res's a crt ran at lol, 1024x768

It sounds a lot like a cpu bottleneck to me. Buying an i7-3770k would be nice because the heavy multithreaded use during streaming/recording/gaming all at the same time. Plus not having to actually upgrade your motherboard and whatnot. Getting an AMD 7950 would still keep you within budget too.  One problem with opting for an SSD though is if your sata ports are messed up like you say then it wont actually be that much of a benifet. They may be bottlened by your sata controller. I dont know though since i'm completely unfamiliar with that motherboard or its features and problems.

3770k - $329 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116501

AMD 7950 - $299 (279 after rebate) + free Crysis3 & Bioshock http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202006

If you live near a microcenter they sell 3770k's for 235

HOW THE F**K can they sell the 3770k so cheap! :O Looking at most normal retailers (newegg/ncix/canada computers) your looking $300 or more!!!!!!

you don't need a i7 to record with dxtory buy a 1tb external 3.0 usb hdd and record to that with nothing else on it and get 16gb of ram but keep the i5 and upgrade your gpu to a 7870 or 660ti if you have a bit more money what ever one you want will be great.  then just run your windows and games off of you internal hdd.  also look up guides for improving recording/ streaming performace becasue there are setting you can change to make it record better on your machine.  hope this helped

Hmm THANKS so much for a little advice guys/gals. Seems im kinda torn. I have been asking around on a few sites and some are telling me CPU. Some GPU. And even more keep telling me Hard disk space/speed and multiple write disks. This could all be perhaps worked into my budget. But I would love if there was a bit more of a consensus :)