Upgrade a HP pavilion for gaming

im looking to upgrade my desktop for gaming. it is a Hp pavilion a6200n, running windows 7. I allready have a new power supply since the stock one failed, hp uses shit ones anyway. i would like to do minimum work, like just a ram and and a graphics card upgrade, but im still open to ideas. i want to be able to play games like arma 2 with normal settings. please give me a few different option with different price ranges ect. all the specs are here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883107493  

 i am not shure how much i want to do. so remember i am open to any ideas.

I'm sorry to tell you this but that thing is a dinosaur and there is no upgrade (that is reasonable) you can do to make arma playable

what is your upgrade budget and I'll see what I can do, I'm pretty good and making upgrades affordable

What kind of PSU do you get to replace the stock one?

A cheap upgrade would be to get 2 stick of any of these ram's(expect AllComponents)http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007611%20600006042%20600006060%20600006098&IsNodeId=1&name=DDR2%20667%20%28PC2%205300%29

They should work,cause i have mixed brands of ram before and had no problems,but it would be better if you could afford to quit using the ram it has and get one of these http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007611%20600006042%20600006112%20600006066&IsNodeId=1&name=4GB%20%282%20x%202GB%29

Now for a cheap video card i suggest a 7750 it is just over $100 and you can max diablo 3 on it, for $180 xfx has a 7850, you could also get a gtx 560 for around the same price mabye even cheaper,for a round $200 you could get a GTX 480,but you need a beffy psu for it,for around $250 you could get a either a 7870,gtx 570,or a GTX660.









Now if you could give me a total budget i could suggest the best upgrades i can find for the money.

The 5000+ is a clear bottlenect, he can only upgrade to a 5600+ which isn't much better

he's better off getting a H61 board (50) 4GB of DDR3 (20) a G850 (70) with a GPU

it would only cost a little more than if he were to get that $60 ram and 5600+ CPU and perform much better, cooler and use less juice


tnx for the help, im not even shure the brand and specs of the psu are, ill check and get back to u, also for gigabusterEXE, what gpu would you recomend. Around 250$ (maby 300)budget for total. Also i have a laptop (dell insperon n5110) which i could also upgrade, if possible, with the same budget (but less money is always good)what could i upgrade this with. I made shure this is the exact same one- ://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834200401&name=Laptops-Notebooks somehow i am able to play the arma 2 demo ok on low settings. 

waiting for a response, ive been looking around and im pretty shure i can get a am3 processor, as long as i get a bios update, which i would rather do, and im probably going to get a gtx550 or equaly priced card. but i need some help with the cpu stuff. i dont know where to find a bios update or how to update it. please help, i cound realy use it. I realized arma is a little to complex for my taste and to slow, so i will mainly be playing cod series various steam games.


I know this computer; my wife is currently using one. First off the RAM is DDR2. The socket is AM2 and the release date was August 2007. This motherboard has 1 PCI express slot for a graphics card. The best CPU will be an Athlon 64 X2 with Dual Core technology up to 5600+ (up to 89 watt). Here is the info on your motherboard.


  Honestly, save your money and start again with a new build. Even the case has lousy air flow.

I thought I would respond to all the people that helped me out when I started, so THANK YOU!! also i have a sweet PC now and have learned so much from the community,
current PC specs: MSI gaming 970 mobo, FX 8320 @4.2Ghz, 8gb corsair vengence ram, 3 random HDD for around 900+gb, xfx R9 270x, NZXT hale 550 80+ bronze, all wrapped up in a NZXT S340 white w/ window. and I have a thermaltake mechanical keyboard and a razer mouse all thanks to the tek syndicate community

P.S. shit i realy didnt know anything about computers when I joined