Ok, so, I'm making this thread on here and tomshardware, so if this gets deleted or marked as innapropriate, here's a link to the one there: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/381523-31-updating
So my case just arrived. and I bought my 3770k the other day. My case is a Corsair Vengeance C70 White. I'm also getting an ASRock Z77 Extreme4 LGA1155, An EVGA GTX 670, 16gb RAM, A 750W modular psu, a 750gb hdd.. etc. I'll post pictures and updates as I get parts and start building.
first off, some pics of my case and CPU from microcenter and newegg. https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/19517_194330814041545_1103681230_n.jpg
I'll update when everything else gets here, all of it should be here today with any luck (they got sent from lexington kentucky early this morning and I live in paint lick kentucky, it's been about 8 hours).
I might post a video of the build as well. can't wait! will update then.
Oh, and, I'll try to do a video but my memory card is kinda small on my camera so it'll have to be cut kinda short :) I'll have to ask a few questions probably too. Sure hope nothing's DOA ;p
Ok so. I got it built! after many hours of painstaking work. I'll post pics tmrw. I need helpt tho. i'm installing ubuntu temporarily just long. I got ubuntu dl'd and my usb flash drive plugged in (on a diff desktop ofc). what do I do from here? :/ I got it to boot so everything is working. all the fans are spinning and it booted into bios. I tried just putting the straight up download onto the flash drive and booting from that but I get a message that says something like " Blah blah blah please select boot device or put in boot device reboot and press any key blah" any help?
GOT IT ALL DONE :) Guess ya'll deserver some pics, huh. well here's 3, I'll take more tomorrow and screencaps of Borderlands 2 benchmarks (only game i have on there atm, came with my 670) when i get windows 7 running and drivers installed. no internet atm. So still typing this on crappy old laptop. just after a couple minutes of derping around in linux I already can't stand using this thing. so excited. here's pics:
Awesome. Why do you not have internet? When you installed Ubuntu, it should have taken care of the drivers and such, unless you didn't connect it to your router or used a WIFi card
Ok I have a question. At the moment I haven't installed any drivers since im on ubuntu and have no internet on it. But when I look in system specs or whatever (found it accidentally) It says: i7 3770k, 15.6gb ram, and standard graphics for intel processors or somethin. I have a GTX 670 installed and the HDMI/DVI cable to the monitor is plugged in to that.... wth?
Ok, so I'm pissed. First, the USB flash drive that was supposed to come with my case didn't come, and now this shit. (excuse the french). Just whipped out my free borderlands 2 coupon that came with my 670, was about to dl it, when BAM. code is already redeemed or invalid. what the fuck guys. what the fuck. I'm speechless. Any help would be great. the coupon says valid thru jan 30th.
"Your redemption code is not valid or has already been redeemed." seen this about 20 times. reentered the code in all sorts of ways, even rewrote it normally like 5 times. same stuff.