Hi all! I'm new to the community so hello everyone!
what is the CPU + Mobo + DDR3 Ram combination that will give me the best gaming performance with a GBP200 budget? (I'm in the UK by the way and will be playing games like Dragon Age 3 and Witcher3 all single player)
I'll compliment this with a: Asus HD 7790 (1GB), a basic 500w PSU and Hyper 212 EVO cooler.
Here are my ideas so far:
CPU: I'm leaning towards AMD FX 8320 due to low price (around 100GBP) and solid OC performance
MOBO: Gigabyte 970A-UD3P should be good enough to do some OC up to 4.5Ghz (75GBP)
RAM DDR3: Any 4gb corsair or Kingston is around 30Gbp (Can add the second one in a few months)
Would this give me 3+years of gaming? Any other combination worth considering?