[Update 5-25-18] The Harvest has Begun! YouTube takes down channel for gun content

After a quick scroll down the BitChute home page I have to say that is pretty rough. The content on there is decidedly “alternative,” to say the least. One would hope that there would be enough of an influx of more “normal” content creators to balance that out. Yikes.

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The more you read into their purpose the more you realise just how censored YouTube has and will continue to become. And those are just three of 15 (in 2017 at the time of that post) that they were either a. allowed to post, or b. felt could post without backlash


Most of those are G8 (or G7) nations. Makes sense, I guess?

Oh no. When I went off the deep end with politics, I got a very intimate understanding of who those organizations are and what they do. Just because you’ve got a helpful-sounding name doesn’t mean you’re doing good.

I like how Brazil is right behind the US.

Which makes you wonder just how bad are the other 12 that they couldn’t publicize them, and how many are there now.

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I’m sure CTR is on there.

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FW:RE:Internal Memo – Perma-ban anybody with guns ASAP

bleep beep boop

The Firearm Neural Network Detection System, or FNNDS, has identified this channel
as having content that contains firearms and is hereby irrevocably and permanently

Have a nice day.

bleep beep boop
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I’ve never heard of them?

I was looking at Vimeo’s business accounts and it says 7TB for $75/mo and I’m curious how fast a channel would run up to that limit posting 1080p or 4k content.


Bloke off the Range has posted a video on what’s going on

Weird the email he got has a lot to do with spamming, also you can’t have more than one YouTube channel? Someone better let Wendell and Linus know.

CorrectTheRecord. It’s an American Super PAC that sent people to spread misinformation on facebook, twitter, reddit and 4chan of all places. (during the 2016 presidential election)


I think people are getting a little distracted too by the channel being firearms related.

This isn’t about guns. This isn’t about right wingers or anything.

YouTube has targeted a variety of groups and content on both sides of the political spectrum. Nor has it just been demonetization but full scale removal or bans of channels which is the real problem. AdSense isn’t really a big deal. Money from it is minimal. However, banning channels fully with no way to appeal when they aren’t violating terms and conditions is a problem. YouTube has a serious problem with selective enforcement and idiotic bots and essentially a monopoly on content.

While it is true that it is “their” platform and they can make arbitrary decisions about what is allowed, when they are the only game in town (essentially) and become a huge part of public discourse, things change. The Law and Supreme Court are out on this one. Though recent rulings have pointed to extending free speech even to private property in some cases.

Will be following this with interest.

Also lot of y’all need to calm down and stop REEEEing about guns and your personal politics. This is a lot bigger than that…


It all seems really unlikely that YouTube would remove content that isn’t actually illegal or violates their terms of service. If they do that in the USA, they could technically be liable for all the user-created content on their site, not just the potential prostitution/trafficking stuff under FOSTA.

Now demonetizing is another thing entirely, they’ll absolutely do that. But remove entirely-- I think there’s more to this story.

Sounds like they’ve got a volume problem and would rather go off half-cocked than give incidents the investigation they need, if I’m reading your analysis correctly.

Freedom of speech does not apply, as the government isn’t censoring YouTube, they’re doing it themselves.

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They do it all the time while leaving content that is legitimately illegal (such as drug related content) up. Most of the time it is due to idiotic bots but an appeal is also usually impossible or extremely difficult.

It also doesn’t help that their ToS and guidelines are all extremely vague and one can never get clarification. Content can be flagged or removed and you don’t even know why. Even retroactively after ToS change. It’s a mess.

YouTube has a serious communications problem with content creators.

This ^

I didn’t see a post here complaining when atheist, freethinker, skeptic, pro-science, etc channels were being targeted. This isn’t an ‘SJW’ thing either. And sorry, but anyone who uses that term unironically immediately loses cred with me, but that’s beside the point.

It’s been a problem for years, ever since google bought youtube, basically.

Ironic how gun-nuts are suddenly triggered, though :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe they need a safe space.

Edit: Sorry, the gun-nut thing is out of order. I mean gun enthousiasts. I still think they may need a safe space.

The point of this thread wasn’t to complain rather just bring attention to this channel being banned suddenly and without warning and spur discussion about YouTube as a whole. It was more relevant to @Skelterz and I (who first told him about it) because it is a channel we follow in particular. AFAIK no channel I follow that belongs to the other categories you mention was outright banned without warning. There have been previous discussions on hereabout demonetization though of those categories. It is also timely since YouTube’s latest Firearms Content Guidelines went into affect this past month.

Hopefully you’re using these terms ironically too or you’re no better…

Seriously, not sure why you’d post that as it really adds nothing and is, just as the others are doing above, injecting your own personal politics and bias into the thread with little purpose perhaps other than being a jab at the firearms community. Nice job though with the completely insincere edit.

No one is suddenly triggered… at least on here.


@Ruffalo you know what I meant and where did I say it was about anything protected by the government?

The only “freedom of speech” that exists in the USA is protection from government censorship. You are not protected from censorship by anyone else. You have no “rights” to say whatever you want on YouTube or on L1T for that matter.