I've updated my Zealot build to be a tad bit easier on my most likely sub-500 dollar budget. I think this is a great build for the money. What are your thoughts on the following build?
Also, can someone redirect me to a decent, cheap monitor on ebay or a link to buy LEGIT W8.1 CD keys?
Thanks and have a good one!
Not too bad, however you should consider a few changes.
1. Is there any way you can do without the optical drive, or just get one from another pc?
2. 8gigs of ram is pretty much a MUST
3. I would consider the 860k from amd so that you could get a cheaper mobo leading to a better gpu like a 750ti or 260x.
Don't bother with the Pentium, or Intel on a Budget. later down the road you can go all out with intel but at a budget this low AMD is the way to go. also games are getting more and more GPU bound, and there is no reason you should be considering a dual-core in 2015, and games now are taking advantage of more cores, and a quad-core is what you'll need.
Also there are even developers who are locking down their PC games so that you can't run their games with a dual-core, they are all pushing the minimum requirement to be a quad-core. So. you would of been screwed later down the road.
- You'll be fine with 4GB of ram depending on what games you play.
- Later down the road I recommend that you get a CPU cooler to overclock your CPU.
- Grab another 4GB kit of ram later on so that you won't have to worry about memory, 4GB is fine on a budget but for gaming you're going to want 8GB of ram.
- I changed that optical drive, to a cheaper one. you aren't going to need it.. well ever. you can use it to install windows and then just take it out your system and throw it in the closet somewhere.
Here's a build I recommend at $460 that will do you much better.
"The Good Enough" PC.
**Before anyone questions why i didn't pick an Athlon 860k.
80% of the A88X FM2+ motherboards require a BIOS update so that a Athlon 860k or a 7850k can be used. so to save all the trouble a 760k will do justice at this price point and the motherboard can be updated to use Kaveri or Godaveri for a future upgrade.
@kat try this on for size.
I decided to change my build a bit, going for a 760k as I did previously. How is this?
It's fine.
Remember you are on a budget, you can't expect to have the best thing ever.
You can have something that's good for now, later on when you start to save a bit more, THEN go all out.
Now that i think about it and looked at the motherboard, go with the 760k build you made. I just looked at the ASUS board i put in my recommendation, 2 Fan headers is an absolute joke, i don't care how cheap the motherboard is..
In the future consider upgrading your motherboard to something better [to an A88X chipset motherboard], upgrade your CPU [to the 870k: Godaveri Chip (I'd definitely do this) ], and grab another 4GB kit of RAM [this is a must], you'll be fine for a long time and if you consider like an R9-280 or R9-290 or the R9-300 series GPU later in the future. you may want to upgrade your power supply. 430w is good but you may want to be careful with AMD GPU upgrades. they are amazing for the money but they pull alot of power. unless you go Nvidia cause they are power efficient as hell.
If you are willing to spend $500 right now upgrade the motherboard to the MSI A88XM gaming motherboard. it's really good gaming motherboard for the price. it's $90 if i remember correctly.