Hey, i just started using my ethernet and every half an hour or so my connection just stops working. I can fix it by just reconnecting the cable but its highly annoying. Does anyone perhaps know a fix for this or at least the cause of the problem?
My drivers are up to date, and sorry if i posted this in the wrong place
Yep, i even tried using one i put together myself, you should know the cable is about 13 metres long and its the kind of cable which you run through your house
Hmm, did you also make sure the wire were even when you cut them and were in the right order? also need to make sure to that all the wires make contact with the copper on the plug
Yeah i did, all the wires i made myself are fine, i tested them with a laptop and this pc. So im thinking its something related to my pc. I do have an old pci Lan port card laying around, i could see if i had the same problem with that?
And no i have no clue on how to get to the troubleshooter
edit: Its impossible to reroute the cable to the router, but i do have an old spare router laying around. I could put that inbetweem but wouldnt it lower my down/up speeds since its sending out wifi?