Unreleased music?

I really like your music and am wondering if you plan on releasing the music at the beginning of this video and this video. Also, I would love to see a tutorial on installing Gentoo from Qain.


EDIT: If you get a chance, check out my last post, here. I think it would be a great thing to pick at on The Tek.

Fourth album is in the works yeah
There's a comment about it's progress in the description for the 3rd album here:

But how do we know if the specific tracks linked by @cycloptishred will be included?

@cycloptishred is suggest sending Logan a PM and asking about those tracks that you are interested in.

Edit: let us know what you hear. I dig the first track.

I think everything has been released eventually
Took nearly 2 years for the highLANder song to be released on the most recent album.
Also the first one especially sounds like it fits the sort of album this one is gearing up to be.
But ye, tis all speculation.

There's also the maksM4X theme that was never on an album

I did an interview with Logan on his music just before the 3rd album and he touches on it a little. If your curious and/or haven't seen it yet, can check it out here.