Unrated mobo

I have to say that my TA 970 motherboard has impressed me to no end. A cheap 56 dollar mobo that i just easily oc a 8350 to 4.5 with no problems what so ever. Not being a good overclocker, I was concerned at even attempting oc on this board. Now the burning question is how long i can do this . Temps are nice and chilly. 20 c at idle and 40 c gaming load. So any advice on what to look for that might indicate any issues would be greatly appreciated. As i am not really a overclocker.

How hot are your cpu phases getting? the powerlines with mosfets next to the socket?

Now that would be a good ? I will check that out. May be okay considering i have 12 cougar vortexs moving air in side that case.

They are warm but really too hot to touch but it is failing the prime 95 test. More work

wenn its failing the prime test, it seems that the vrm´s is getting to hot, causing voltage throtle, and failing cores, you can try to bump up the voltage, but its risky if the vrm´s realy overheating, they will burn some day.

Put some copper heat sinks on dem mosfets. Word.

na just buy a better board. Ones on it way . I had to try it

Been gaming on it oc . Not having any troubles and everything else seems to work fine. Its just does not like prime95. I wouldnt of given this board this much credit but for a cheap


ya i imagine so . lol

well for a cheap mobo like that, getting 4.5 ghz you can´t arguing :D wenn it burns till christmas, you will have some sweet candle light ☺

Yup, I dont think i will try and hold the over clock  but it can do it.

bet a pro overclocker could easily get more.

yeah i would let it run on stock with turbo enabled at 4.2 ghz if i was you. the vrm´s wil probably still get hot, but probably hold on for a while ☺

ya, thats what i have been doing . I feel a little better about the board now :) I just had to oc just once.

Well, I Find that brave of you. :))

and P.S.; "pro overclockers" just have more expensive motherboards, but don't tell anyone. ^^


That's very brave of you.. or plain stupid.. xD
