Unoffical L1 Star Citizen Org

Well with Tek Syndicate gone, I felt it was time to fold the TS Org as the name was no longer relevant.

I have made a new syndicate Org for L1 found here

My net would not handle the updates or allow me to play as of now, however I will work on the Org branding and trying to organize it if people want to start playing.

@wendell @kreestuh @ryan if you want anything from control, deletion what have you let me know.

Unoffical L1 Star Citizen


still going to buy, once i get a nicer gpu.

» sigh «

why not "L1SC" ?


I'll be there shortly

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meh unified branding, synergy, buzzwords

I like L1 for the name, short and sweet. L1Tech for search results......also I didn't think of L1SC lol
I like L1Tech more anyway

someone remind me to join

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Still in alpha

Ideas welcome for
1. History
2. Manafesto
3. Charter
4. Cool Roles names

or anything else you can think of.

I don't even have a GPU, but this game has me looking...

Is it out yet? :P

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I have a 285 oc compact and can play it, or at lest I could play it haven't played it in months, on medium with some things on low. Still looked amazing.

I want to use it as an excuse to get something my wallet hates me for.

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inb4 the "IT'SNEVERCOMINGOUT111" circlejerk arrives.

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Too late buddy!

If you are from the Forums please say something when you apply. This is so I can move you up in rank or role.

I am thinking of only adding forum members.

What are your thoughts on this? Should I add anyone who wants to apply?

people arent likely to randomly apply, lol. I run the AMD Red Team org and other than people I have invited not many have tried to random join :P
you are likely fine for now leaving it open for applications

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I have randoms already, pretty sure anyway lol. I don't recognize the names from the old TS Org

Unless shamtron and Dnaizohd are from here, they didn't say.... never mind now it shows the messages..... lol

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But MAWR people are needed!!!

(also neither of them say who they are on the forum, please say hi you two!)

Covertly waiting for 3.0 before looking at star citizen again, think last time I tried it was 2.0 maybe? or 1.2... can't remember.

2.6 just dropped to the PTU. Not a huge update but quality of life stuff for Arena Commander, Star Marine etc. Feels like it will be worth a spin :9

And yeah, I probably want to join :)

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Ya it looks fun! But like I said I wont be able to play, but feel free to join and I will do what I can to help get a group together to play.