So, with all these Steam key giveaway threads popping up I figured I could just make a thread (Maybe have it stickied?) where people can post keys that they are giving away ... so to kick it off here's and extra Insurgency Key I have left over from the latest Humble Bundle (They always have awesome stuff for charity).
EDIT: If you claim a game please leave a post saying that you have claimed it.
Good idea. I've made a few threads the past few days giving away keys... surprised I didn't think of this!
Here's a key for Hammerwatch: -taken-
*Just to 2nd ShortCircuit's request... please respond when you take a key! Would prefer it go to someone who will play it, and not someone just wanting to add another game to their library. Thanks!
Hey, so I made this quite some time ago way before the site got update but if any of the mods want to sticky it now that the forums are more organized that would be awesome.
I Guess ... I was trying to save the cluster of these giveaways that pops up from time to time ... not to mention since the update I personally feel like there's too much info on screen at once ...