Not sure if this is a hardware or software issue. I’m USA WI, based but whenever I open up firefox or chrome even IE. My webpage comes up in german. I can translate to english, but it’s every time. Youtube is the same, since its thinks i’m in germany I can’t watch many videos, because GEMA appears on most videos. VEVO is an american music account, and all of those video are blocked. When I twtich, I get censored again with audi being muted, same for uploaded videos.
All devices on the network are having the issue. Connecting to another network. Tech school, changed my phone back to us pages, but when connecting back to my network, to germany the web pages went.
I’ve checked settings in web browsers, and locations are set to the usa. In internet options I don’t have a proxy running.
Router is set up fine.
So any thoughts on how to fix this issue?
1) What is your IP
2) What are your settings in control panel > Region and Language
3) Your browser settings, check them ~ don't share your locations.
4) Check your router if it has region&language settings.
Router,PC, and browser setting are set to English, and North American.
I pull a valid IP for my area.
this must be your ip flagged as german. Nothing you can do... just reset your router and attempt getting different ip.
Ok, Ill try that, and call my ISP to see if they can give me a new IP
What are you using as your dns server? I have my dns traffic go through a Netherlands vpn and sometimes I get websites in Dutch. It you're using a European dns server it could be what's causing the problem.
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Well things are working properly. Called my ISP had them refresh my IP, restarted network. installed firmware to router even though it was the latest version. I'm guessing there was a software bug hickup, or my router was compromised. So far everything is working well.