Unix toolbox

I would like to share this site that I find super useful for anyone working with Linux. It explains some of the most used commands in UNIX/BSD/Linux.

This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users. This is a practical guide with concise explanations, however the reader is supposed to know what s/he is doing.


I hope you like it, and find it useful! :)

PS. Also if you wish to know what all of those commands do you can use manual in terminal just by typing "man command" It will give you all the information about the "command" you wish to know more about, how to use it etc..


Certainly a good kit of instructions. It s always a good idea to keep notes when you learn something new.

there is also a dvd tutorial called "Learn Linux - Become a Unix Master".. You know how to find it if you so wish :)

Yeah its good to have something that you can access when you need it. When I started using Linux as my everyday OS around 2006/2007 it was good to know few things that can help you around in terminal. Also I got my self a nice book to learn more about it, would recommend it to anyone who is interested to learn more. (A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming by Mark G. Sobell)

PS. Also a good read for someone more into programming and OpenSource are free books on "Architecture of Open Source Applications" and a good repository of free books and tutorials on programming languages on github "/vhf/free-programming-books/" (use Google for any of those, you will find it)

PS2. If you wish to learn more about the Linux and Linux community it would be good to give a visit to your Local Linux User Group. It is always a good way to meet new people, drink beer, learn and have someone who can help you in further learning of Linux.