[Unity3D] Call of Duty MW2 for Linux :O

So I'm basically working on a multiplayer first person shooter that has elements from call of duty (maps), battlefield (vehicles, destructions, and gunplay), minecraft (voxel terrain generation using perlin noise), and team fortress 2 (minigun). I made my game in Unity3D and since I got my hands on the public beta, I can now export to Linux >:) (the map in the picture is "Rust" from Modern warfare 2). BTW if you want my source (scripts only) you can get them here: http://github.com/jasonwupilly/FPSNetScripts


MW2 Rust


looks great!

wow this is awesome!

You wouldn't mind if I used some of your scripts in my own project, would you? Looking great, by the way, can't wait to see a release!

Thanks guys! I've basically got 90% of the gameplay and code down... i just need models now. :S


Dapper Gentleman - of course you can use them :P (although my coding is very sloppy :O)