So I literally know just about nothing pertaining to programming, but I have seen the potential unity has and think it's quite nifty. As an example of what this topic is about I give you: .
I would love to find a youtuber that has spare time to create some kind of channel based off the idea of small demos for games that could be made on unity. I don't really have a lot of suggestions or ideas for it in mind, but things like Mario 64; perhaps even other things you wouldn't think of using unity for such, dare i say it and face the grueling criticism.... Runescape.
While I do think unity has potential I also think it may take away some things people love about games (maybe some nostalgia). Either way my point is I think it'd be cool to see.
Let me know what you guys think. Do you know any youtubers doing this kind of stuff already? Are YOU a youtuber that may consider this for fun in your spare time? What other games do you think would be cool to try this with?
EDIT: Was a spelling error.