Unity "could be's"

So I literally know just about nothing pertaining to programming, but I have seen the potential unity has and think it's quite nifty. As an example of what this topic is about I give you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdwUkYrHosk .

I would love to find a youtuber that has spare time to create some kind of channel based off the idea of small demos for games that could be made on unity. I don't really have a lot of suggestions or ideas for it in mind, but things like Mario 64; perhaps even other things you wouldn't think of using unity for such, dare i say it and face the grueling criticism.... Runescape.

While I do think unity has potential I also think it may take away some things people love about games (maybe some nostalgia). Either way my point is I think it'd be cool to see.

Let me know what you guys think. Do you know any youtubers doing this kind of stuff already? Are YOU a youtuber that may consider this for fun in your spare time? What other games do you think would be cool to try this with?

EDIT: Was a spelling error.

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i love the way the video is made, guy presenting has quite the skills. if its unity or not, there's guy thats doing demo's https://www.youtube.com/user/CryZENx but there's lot less of actual making stuff presented - just finished objects.

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MAN THAT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! I was just using Unity as an example. Basically I'd like to see any newer program to recreate little bits of old games that just make your eyes weep tears of nostalgia.