I have a rather odd question to ask, something that eludes my amateurish understanding so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
A 7995wx has 12 CCDs where each comprises of 8 cores. All the cores operate with the 350W TDP (for easier point making I haven’t excluded the IO die) which equals a rather minuscule amount of W per core.
A 7700x on the other hand has 1 active CCD which totals 8 cores. Those 8 cores operate with a much higher voltage resulting in a 105W over 8 cores.
With that established, and with binning in mind, are “individual” 8 Zen 4 cores in the 7995wx specced to withstand 105W of input as well?
If so, is “the only” problem with higher boost clocks on a TR CPU mainly the temperature or other things?
I’m not looking to OC my TR mind you. I’m just trying to understand what the limitations are here. I guess I’d assume the cores could be binned for efficiency rather than total voltage performance? Or maybe the IO would go nuts?
Wattage and heat are probably the main limits, static overclocks are not really what you want anymore, you also don’t want to do plain dynamic undervolting past zen+ as that creates clock stretching
Instead you want to utilize PBO and curve optimized to reduce voltage, somehow curve optimized does not exhibit clock stretching like regular undervolting would
Start with -5 all core curve
If you are wanting more all core boost then put a negative frequency curve, and try to maximize the negative voltage curve
This prevents the much higher single core peak freq clocking to something that’s unstable, it has little to no affect on all core freq since you’re wattage limited
If you want single core boosts, the first apply a +200mhz boost first then work on the negative voltage curve
Testing for stability is kinda rough as the auto boost behavior is a bit unpredictable
Set the power to motherboard if your cooler can handle it
If you run heavy workloads on a TR don’t even think about overclocking it. Run JEDEC speeds and no higher. I’ve got a bunch of very expensive AMD coasters to show for just trying to run DOCP RAM speeds and stock settings… Just my 2 cents…
The problem is only ONE of all CCD’s (CCD0) in TR pro is from highest quality binning (7950x binning tier). Cores from CCD1, CCD2,… has less potential for better frequencies and stability with undervolting. This is one of the reasons I put off building my workstation until better times - you’re paying 4k bucks for the CPU, and only one of the four CCD’s is top-tier silicon. Lisa soooo greedy, i feel Jensen Huang kinship… SkatterBencher did amazing TR 7000 overclocking guides, you should check it.