Hey I noticed a lot of recent commit activity on the looking-glass github repo.
Kudos to @gnif and the new contributors for sticking with the project and putting in so much hard work. And doing it all in a public repo. It’s interesting to watch the code evolve, even if I don’t have the time / specific skills to contribute code myself.
So although I’m stuck in B2 for various reasons, I just made a $$ contribution. I do contract software development on a pay-for-performance basis and believe on supporting efforts like looking glass in the same way. Keep up the work and I’ll keep up the regular contributions.
I urge others to step and contribute as they can. Even at a minimum, if you use it, it’s worth pitching in a few bucks.
And @gnif, let us know when you’re at a good point for some testing. I’m looking forward to making looking-glass one of the centerpieces of a new primary development workstation build once the new silicon becomes actually available (!) in a few months.