Under $800 Gaming/Editing PC Opinions

I am buying the parts for this system soon, but I wanted to get the approval of the Tek Syndicate forums first.

I am mainly using this for some photo/video editing (maybe Adobe After Effects eventually), playing games like Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim (modded), Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Borderlands 2, ect. at high settings on my 1080p tv (i will probably get a 1440p monitor later) or higher. I dont plan on overclocking until later on when I get a Noctua NH-U12S

I want to make sure that I havent missed anything important and that I am getting the best PC for the money. 


Edit: Here is the partslist i came up with, forgot to put it in the post. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/TheAmazingNZ/saved/2f0I


well the budget is a bit tight. under $800 because the best  video editing performance you will get from an intel i7 or  AMD 8 core cpu.and 16GB of ram is also a pre..

Adobe after effects i dont know how it is with the newest version of adobe after effects, if the software also support open CL? but if not... you will be stuck with an Nvidia card because of its CUDA cores.. if it does support open CL then i could highly recommend a Msi 7950 TF. gpu..because this is a better performing card in gaming, for the same price.

About the ram you could choose to trow in 2x4GB sticks now, to safe some money and get it under $800 and then buy some 2x8GB sticks of the same later on.. wenn you upgrade the cooler.

i made this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1vFLO

but its allready over budget..

option with 8GB ram: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1vFPv

grtz Angel ☺

i had been planning on doing this, forgot to put it in my post. 


that build also does not look bad, but i would realy recommend a better mobo for that 8 core cpu, like my build with the Asus M5A99Fx pro R2.0 this is a much better board for those power hungry cpu´s, im personaly not a big fan of gigabyte amd boards, because they gave very well know issues, wenn using those  8 core cpu´s on it. they not realy made for overclocking, overheating vrm´s/chokes, and overheat northbridge chips are very common issues with those boards. i would realy recommend a asus 990FX chipset board.