Uncharted: The Movie

For all you Uncharted duds out there looks like Hollywood has sets its eyes the game and wants to turn that into a movie.

Check it out if you're interested:
But it doesn't really give much info...

I personally haven't played the game looks good, second one coming out looks good too. Too bad I can't play any Uncharted game since I can't afford a PS3. T_T

Most movies that are based on games are generally shit coughMax Payne, Doom*cough*, except for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (but that game was based on the movie). But who knows, Uncharted might pull it off, the game has a "Hollywood action" feel to it. I just hope Uwe Boll isn't directing this movie.

Im always hesitant to see game based films. If UWE BOLL is the director ill skip it entirely.

you know what would make a cool game movie though? the main characters from infamous and prototype fighting each other for control of new york  and plot twist at the end... alex mercer turns out to be the good guy!

what movie was based on stalker? or vice versa? i wana see it i found this on youtube its quite good!!!