I’m trying to run Looking Glass B2. The first hurdle was compiling it, as the instructions neglected to mention that gcc
needed to be installed. After installing gcc
, the instructions worked and I was able to build it. Now I’m having trouble running it.
If I run looking-glass-client
directly on my Fedora Silverblue 33 host, I get the following output:
looking-glass-client: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL2_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It’s like it wants SDL installed or something? On my distro, the normal way to install and run custom software that isn’t packaged as a Flatpak, is to run it within a Fedora Toolbox. I already used a Toolbox to compile it, so I went back in and attempted to run looking-glass-client
from within the Toolbox this time:
18936212315 [I] main.c:1675 | main | Looking Glass (B2-0-g76710ef201)
18936212333 [I] main.c:1676 | main | Locking Method: Atomic
18936212775 [I] main.c:1222 | lg_run | Wayland detected
18936212781 [I] main.c:1231 | lg_run | SDL_VIDEODRIVER has been set to wayland
18936213631 [I] ivshmem.c:180 | ivshmemOpenDev | KVMFR Device : /dev/shm/looking-glass
18936213641 [E] ivshmem.c:227 | ivshmemOpenDev | Failed to open: /dev/shm/looking-glass
18936213644 [E] main.c:1249 | lg_run | Failed to map memory
Now I’m stuck and don’t know what to do. It says it failed to open /dev/shm/looking-glass
and failed to map memory. I’ve verified that the filepath exists.
I then attempted to run looking-glass-client
via sudo
, in case it was a permissions issue. But this just returns an error saying “Do not run looking glass as root!” despite it not being a “real” root as it’s in a Toolbox.
Could anyone help me out here? Thanks.