Hi Tek,
I just tried to fill out the Tek Support form, but since I can't find Belgium in the dropdown list my payment gets rejected. Could you guys send me an email on how I can fix this plz ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Tek,
I just tried to fill out the Tek Support form, but since I can't find Belgium in the dropdown list my payment gets rejected. Could you guys send me an email on how I can fix this plz ?
Thanks in advance.
I must be going blind. Says "If You Can't Use the Subscription System But You Still Want to Donate" right underneath. Brewskies are on the way.
So its fine now?
Otherwise please contact Wendell about it.
Grtz Angel ☺
Done. Next beer is on me, cheers :)
To Logan, Wendell and Kain,
I apologise for waiting so long before thanking you guys personally. Having flashbacks is quite taxing and I needed some time to calm down again. At fist I thought I was going paranoid, but the real shock came when you mentioned me in Inbox. I don't know what to say really. I'm completely speachless that you guys agreed to use the Tek to help out some wacko dude across the Atlantic ocean that you never met before. Thanks guys.
Supporting the Tek is the least I can do to show my appreciation for what you guys did (and it gets me even more Tek videos hah!). I had to make 2 separate payments (not enough money on my Paypal). Can't wait to get my 'Tek Support' label :P
So I still have a final paper to make on the subject network security. You guys wouldn't happen to know some guys in the forum who could help me with that ? Feel free to email me if you want.
Thanks guys :D