Un-explained Hardware Glitches.. some fun

Hey guys,

A friend and I were talking yesterday about computer stuff from the past, about some weird and bizarre things that have happened with our hardware in the past that had absolutely no explanation. And when we were done, I figured I'd share some of mine with you guys. Maybe get some stories from you guys too! Figured this might be fun!

So my story starts back around 2001. Me and my friend (same friend I was talking to yesterday) were living in an old 1 bedroom house. We shared a bedroom - I slept on half a couch and he slept on his own bed - and had both of our computers in the bedroom.

One day we were re-arranging our bedroom and I decided to put my little pc on the floor under my desk which sat in front of my little couch. It got cold in the bedroom at night, and I realized that if I put my PC tower under the desk in the foot area, the heat from the PC would pool there and leak out at night and keep me warm since I didn't have a blanket. (We were really poor and only had money to keep internet and power)

Well, we get the bedroom set up, and decide we wanted to play a Star Wars game called X-Wing v.s. Tie Figher. I went to fire up the game, and it says the CD couldn't be read. I sat there, and looked confused at the thing, looked down at my CD-Rom and it was lighting up like it was reading the disk. I tried it again. Nothing. I tried multiple disks for about 20 minutes and was on the verge of crying. I really wanted to play damn it and I can't believe this brand new CD-Rom was broken after only a month....

So I unhook everything, get the PC up on the desk, unplug everything, re-seat it. BAM! Everything works.

Whew! Ok, something came unplugged. Ok, we're good.

I put everything back down on the floor after testing the game for a few minutes. Re-tested the connections, and everything looked OK. Nothing. CD-Rom was still spinning up. Looked like it was reading just fine, but Windows said there was nothing there and to insert media.

What the fuck?

I opened the case up, unplugged everything again checked connections, re-plugged everything back in like it was supposed to be. Still nothing. CD-Rom sped up, acted like everything was OK. Windows still didn't see anything.

So I go, and rip everything apart again, put case back on the desk, re-hook everything up and it starts working again. What the hell is going on?

Nothing for 3 days fixed it. I tried multiple orientations. On floor, sideways, upright, hell I even put the case upside down at one point. Nothing. But the instant the case was on the desk, whether upright or not, the CD-Rom would work...

To this day I am at a loss for why the hell this happened. I tried everything. I even put the CD-Rom in another PC, and it exhibited the same behavior. I still have this CD-Rom to this day in an old PC for playing older games that REQUIRE certain hardware. It still won't work unless on a desk.

The only time I got this to work in a case, was when I put it in an old server tower case. I had to make sure the CD-Rom was in the top bay or it would refuse to read anything.

That's my first story regarding Un-explained Hardware glitches. Hope you guys liked it!

Please, if you have any stories like this, do post it down below! Would love to hear them!


This is something well worth sharing here then. A tale of mystery, magic and more magic.

More Magic


I like that one! Especially like the 1994 explanation. Makes sense, sort of.

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My friend had a NES cartridge that worked without needing to blow into it.


The Story of the Ghost POST

A system that wanted a UPS

Once upon a time, back in 2010 I had a PC. It wasn't a particularly good or special PC in any remarkable way.
Inside It's small mATX case was an MSI G41m-P28 Mainboard. An Intel E8500 @3.16Ghz, 2x4Gb RAM @1333MHz and a Nvidia GTS250 along with 2x 500Gb Seagate hard disks. This entire contraption was powered by a Coolermaster 450W PSU.

And it was fine, or so I thought.

I had bought this PC for the equivalent of $62 from a somewhat clueless person. It was a good PC then, barely 2 years old with a brand new mainboard.

So I formatted the disks, installed a clean copy of windows 7, tested some games and late in the evening decided it was time to go to bed and powered off the system.

It was around 2am I think that I was suddenly awoken by the sound of whirring fans and endlessly repeating beeps of a successful POST. Half awake, half asleep I stumbled over to the computer to assess the situation, only to discover that the PC was endlessly stuck in a POST loop.

It tested the RAM, then the Disk Drives showed up, then the table of devices and serial ports scrolled by and just as it was about to boot it restarted.

I thought, great this PC is not only set to self powerup via RTC wake at 2AM but it also has a boot loop issue. Wanting to get some sleep i powered it off via the back switch and went back to bed, I'd fix it in the morning I thought to myself.

The next day

After an early morning coffee at 6:30AM and probably some toast and eggs I sat down at my new (and seemingly already broken computer). It wouldn't POST. I checked the rear PSU power switch. Nope I haven't forgotten to turn it back on.

I turned the switch back off and decided to clear the CMOS, waited about a minute and reset everything again.
It powered right up and hitting DEL I got back into the BIOS. I set my settings back to normal, the RAM/FSB multiplier had to be increased to push the RAM from stock 1066MHz to the rated 1333Mhz. I enabled VT-x again, then I set the ACPI sleep mode to S3 instead of S1. I also noticed that there was no auto wakeup time set anymore and then rebooted to windows successfully.

Done. It's working again.

Or so it was for a good 2 days until 2am in the morning. It was on again, and it was boot looping. WTH I thought is someone pranking me? Did my cat somehow knock on the power button?

I turned it off and went back to bed. This time I had simply held in the power button

So the next day in the afternoon I decided to turn it on again fully expecting to have to do a CMOS reset again to get it to post.

It just POST'ed. Yay no CMOS reset needed.

So I went about my business, wrote some project documents and then at 4Pm, BLAM Power Outage.

Within 5 minutes the power was back on, but my PC wasn't no matter what I tried, It wouldn't POST it just kept power cycling. Ok, maybe the power outage had messed something up with the system, so I did another CMOS reset. To no avail. It kept doing the same thing, no beeps, no nothing just the whirring fans and power cycling. Well Shit, it's must be dead then I thought. So I disassembled the entire thing and put it on a bench to test on its own.

I tried

  • A different CPU
  • different RAM sticks
  • Different PSU
  • Other GPU's
  • Even Different KB & Mouse

Then I tested all the parts in a different Mainboard and Voila it powered right up. Ok shitty mainboard I thought.
So to confirm my suspicion I tested the parts form the other PC i had just extracted a mainboard from in the G41M mainboard.

They worked
Flawlessly, multiple power ons and offs the whole lot

So I put it all back together with it's original configuration.... and nothing, same as before... power cycling and no post.

"Well shit it's broken" I thought and left it there and went to do something else. I cant remember what it was, but it must have been more interesting that troubleshooting that bewitched PC.

I think 2 hours or so later I came back, only to discover that my younger brother had powered on my PC and was happily playing Far Cry 2 on it.

How? How did you get it to work? I asked.

His response:

It was already running...


No it wasn't I didn't turn it on!

It was only when I looked at the system time on the screen, that I noticed something. The time Read 2:30AM
With Horror it dawned on me as to what must have happened. My PC was actually haunted, and or sentient and rebelling against it's human overlords.

I took over the computer from my brother (whom I anyway hadn't allowed to use my pc, but i hadn't yet setup a password on my pc either).
Then to set the BIOS clock correctly and to see what would happen I turned it back off again. Fully off, not a restart. Then I powered it up and went into the BIOS. No issues so far.
I went to the Power setttings and to my further concern there was no RTC poweron set for 2AM.

The option was disabled.

I saved settings and restartd and It booted right up, no issues whatsoever. This worked several times without any issue. I also checked the BIOS again if the RTC wakep setting had re-enabled itself perhaps., But nothing.

Ok then I thought. Problem resolved!

If I remember correctly, things were fine then for about 2 months when I decided to install a new Hard Drive in my PC. Because my PC was under my desk and not too accessible I unplugged it, chucked it onto my desk and proceeded with the HDD install which was done in less than 2 minutes.

Placed the PC gently back under the table, plugged it all in and hit the power button.

Instant Power cycling. Fans spinning up and down.

It wouldn't POST. Not this again!

So I turned it off by holding in the power button for 4 seconds and went to search the internet from my laptop for possible solutions.

And then It happened. Before my very eyes the computer powered on and waited:

Press F1 to continue, DEL to enter setup

I pressed DEL to enter BIOS

Then I noticed it:

System Time [02:00:39]
System Date [01/01/2009]

To this day I have not been able to figure out this issue, but everytime I removed that system from power It would not POST again except of it's own free will at 2AM on the 1st of January 2009.

After that It would run fine through as many power on and offs as you wanted, as long as you never unplugged it from power. It is safe to say that from then on the system has had it's own UPS and is in fact still working.

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sounds like the bios was hacked.

I didn't add it to the story because it was already so long. This persisted through BIOS updates.

I'm even typing this message from that very system right now, only the GPU has gotten a downgrade. (And yes I have many better PC's this is just my Linux test Potato PC)

Geek squad actually solved something...

In late 2007 I had my first personal gaming PC. I had saved up for two summers to buy my dell tower beauty and it felt like all my hopes and dreams were resting on how it would change my life in the gaming world.

Needless to say, when I finally did receive my monolith of raw and unbridled computer power, it did not run smoothly. It would crash randomly when storms would blow over. My kill streaks were cut short by the jarring solid blue glow and dancing white characters... My eyes were always too glazed over to make any sense of the crash dump whizzing past.

Dell help support was obviously a dead end. No amount of carefully through out replies or insistently describing the problem would convince the help desk rep that storms would cause my PC to crash. The only nugget of wisdom they would leave me with was to reboot regularly.

After a particularly stormy month of this happening, I was at my whits end and had long given up on dell support. I had tried everything I could think of myself and my friends also tried all the tricks they could think up. One Wednesday afternoon, in a moment of sheer desperation, I called the geek squad. (i know, I am ashamed)

Two days later, a rep is knocking on my door and I let him in. He asks to see the computer and I lead the way. After changing my default browser to IE, he proceeded to shut down the machine and open up the case. As he peered into the dusty interior, he began muttering to himself and tapping his temples. After a few minutes of this, he stood up, brushed the dust off his hands, and said that he thinks he knows what's up.

He said he knew what the problem was, but the fix was not part of the official geek squad procedure. It was apparently a bit risky and drained some potential sales from the mother company. I told him I didn't care and begged him to tell me how to fix it. He then explained that it takes a lot of skill and that he should prolly handle it himself. I asked him how much it was gonna set me back and he said, "I'm gonna need about tree fiddy." It was at this moment I realized the geek was actually a three story tall creature from the paleolithic era, but at least he fixed my PC.

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Almost Paging u/Shittymorph


What do you mean "almost paging" ?

While I love the creativeness of some of these stories, I was hoping for true stories.

Mine, while seeming outlandish, is true. I've shown multiple tech people this CD-Rom and its quirks and nobody can give me an explanation of why this happens.

I await the day that someone can give me an answer that satisfies me logically and makes sense.

Are you implying mine is fantasy?



(I did write it btw, it's my very first one)

My story is actually true, just creatively written. I even still have the same system with the same issue.

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Yep I am, hehe.

By the way, your avatar is awesome. My main machine is named Hawkeye-Pierce. Hell, my whole network is named off of Mash characters.

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Nice. My favorite seasons are the ones with Henry. Second favorite up till when frank leaves.
I'm actually actively going through season 6 AGAIN atm. lol.

Every night I fall asleep to a random episode. But i'm partial to the first 3 seasons, and 7 through 9. The last few episodes, or even that whole season when radar leaves, is a bit preachy to me

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I remember watching first time through and being heart broken when Henry left. He is one of my favorite characters.

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Keep the stories comin' guys. They're an interesting read so far!