Hey guys,
A friend and I were talking yesterday about computer stuff from the past, about some weird and bizarre things that have happened with our hardware in the past that had absolutely no explanation. And when we were done, I figured I'd share some of mine with you guys. Maybe get some stories from you guys too! Figured this might be fun!
So my story starts back around 2001. Me and my friend (same friend I was talking to yesterday) were living in an old 1 bedroom house. We shared a bedroom - I slept on half a couch and he slept on his own bed - and had both of our computers in the bedroom.
One day we were re-arranging our bedroom and I decided to put my little pc on the floor under my desk which sat in front of my little couch. It got cold in the bedroom at night, and I realized that if I put my PC tower under the desk in the foot area, the heat from the PC would pool there and leak out at night and keep me warm since I didn't have a blanket. (We were really poor and only had money to keep internet and power)
Well, we get the bedroom set up, and decide we wanted to play a Star Wars game called X-Wing v.s. Tie Figher. I went to fire up the game, and it says the CD couldn't be read. I sat there, and looked confused at the thing, looked down at my CD-Rom and it was lighting up like it was reading the disk. I tried it again. Nothing. I tried multiple disks for about 20 minutes and was on the verge of crying. I really wanted to play damn it and I can't believe this brand new CD-Rom was broken after only a month....
So I unhook everything, get the PC up on the desk, unplug everything, re-seat it. BAM! Everything works.
Whew! Ok, something came unplugged. Ok, we're good.
I put everything back down on the floor after testing the game for a few minutes. Re-tested the connections, and everything looked OK. Nothing. CD-Rom was still spinning up. Looked like it was reading just fine, but Windows said there was nothing there and to insert media.
What the fuck?
I opened the case up, unplugged everything again checked connections, re-plugged everything back in like it was supposed to be. Still nothing. CD-Rom sped up, acted like everything was OK. Windows still didn't see anything.
So I go, and rip everything apart again, put case back on the desk, re-hook everything up and it starts working again. What the hell is going on?
Nothing for 3 days fixed it. I tried multiple orientations. On floor, sideways, upright, hell I even put the case upside down at one point. Nothing. But the instant the case was on the desk, whether upright or not, the CD-Rom would work...
To this day I am at a loss for why the hell this happened. I tried everything. I even put the CD-Rom in another PC, and it exhibited the same behavior. I still have this CD-Rom to this day in an old PC for playing older games that REQUIRE certain hardware. It still won't work unless on a desk.
The only time I got this to work in a case, was when I put it in an old server tower case. I had to make sure the CD-Rom was in the top bay or it would refuse to read anything.
That's my first story regarding Un-explained Hardware glitches. Hope you guys liked it!
Please, if you have any stories like this, do post it down below! Would love to hear them!