Ummmm Help?

My friend and I built a PC earlier last year, he's better at building them and I wanted to learn as well. I got  alot of money for Christmas and stuff and we built the computer I describe on my profile. Now some of the games I play (Civ 5 and XCOM) work fine on it. However when I play games such as Sleeping Dogs and Now Watch Dogs I have really bad lag moments. I audio get very robotic and the frames start to spudder. or sometimes the games crash before they even begin. Any advice? All help will do.

People are having trouble running it on nvidia cards. Even people with Titans. Try changing everything to low, and see if that helps.

As a side thing (if you looked) is there anything you think I need to add, take away, modify on my build cause I trust my friend but i know you guys do amazing work so I want a more professionalish opinion.


Make sure you're running the latest drivers for your GPU.  Nvidia put a new driver out 3 days ago that specifically mentions Watch Dogs enhancements.

I did that last night before I played it was still spuddering.