Ultrawide Websites

Trying to compile a list of websites that work well on a 21:9 display, when full screen.

The best overall I have found is Art Station:

It is gorgeous.

Google Keep looks good too.


Spotify make decent use of the screen

Amazon and Feedly are better than the norm but not stellar

I will add more As I find them but if you have any suggestions I will probably add them

That’s encouraging to hear the Amazon store works well, because the video browser is horrendous- like a nice veneer over a mass jumble of good, bad and ugly

It isn’t bad.

I love sites I can put in full screen and focus on.

Meanwhile on level1techs there is a ghost town left and right of the screen when i fullscreen the website and forum xD. Not haiting just find it funny.

W has said he thinks ultrawides are the devil, not entirely surprised.

Just want to find more that do work well.

I find that very useful for splitscreen viewing though. I usually have a video on the left and browsing/Discord on the right.

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