Ultra Street Fighter 4

Now while I realize that Tek Syndicate doesn't have the biggest fighting game community, I know there's some of you out there that are just as hyped for Ultra Street Fighter 4 as me.  Yes I know it's a cash grab, and yes it worked as I will most definitely be buying it.  Question is, who do you guys think the fifth character's going to be?  They've already announced Hugo, Elena, Rolento, and Poison, none of which were surprising as those assets were already built for Street Fighter X Tekken, but there's gonna be five new characters!  So, predictions on the fifth?


Supper puzzle fighter fat head evil bad x tekken vs alpha x turbo x superman ryu!!


There's that friggin joke that shows up in every forum about Ultra Street Fighter ever......It stopped bein funny in 1992 when people were doin it about Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo.