Here is the Browser-add-on to circumvent the UK Internet-fuckery, that probably will come to all all of us eventually :
If you have an a VPN this may still be of some interest to you because governments will eventually find an excuse (that sticks) to do censorship on VPNs, or shut them down alltogether.
Governments are going to give into to their authoritarian and oppressive tendencies. There's always going to be somebody making excuses for censorship, the lesson is the same as always: Freedom, is earned.
Is nobody going to make the connection that this going to be used for "general purpose censorship". (Want to remove some pesky criticism or opinion swaying political-commentary, why not stick it in the piracy filter, if we get found out, we can claim it to be an accidental algorithmic aberration)
I do not care whether or not people can download their movies for free, I care about the blatant censorship in the name of preventing some ethereal-property sudo-violation.
Are you really so naive that if it works as censorship mechanism, that politics will not follow suite and force this on all the other ISP as well. These kinds of things are a Pandora's box type of thing. I'm really scared about this & I don't live in, or anywhere near the UK.
It IS NOT an algorithm that block the torrent sites
point taken
There are no plans to force it on any more ISPs
You seem to very sure about that, i hope you're not basing that confidence upon an the word of a politician. But hey maybe you're right and I'm just too cynical. your ignorance is understood...I'll pass on your conspiracy theories
I admire you're stoic positive outlook, to me this seems naive. I've got only one freedom, I'm gonna hold on to it with both hands.
Fluffymace, you need to start watching your posts, and your attitude, more carefully. All of your replies of late have been directly attacking other members, screaming about governments and whatnot. You need to chill.
If you don't calm down, action will be taken on your threads and posts. I've asked nicely several times. Cool it.
Are my posts coming across as aggressive towards members? They certainly aren't meant that way. I'm not a native English speaker, can you point out the pattern that makes me come across as overly aggressive.
I'm a loudmouthed person when it comes to politics I'm going to keep pointing out how I feel about "governments". I'm never going to censor my self in that regard. If the Tek Syndicate Forum is no longer the place for that, please tell me & I will leave.
Yes, I can point it out. Anyone that comments on anything related to politics gets barraged by you, and when they reply, you brush off what they say and rant about it regardless. You don't actually hold a discussion.
And there isn't censorship, but this isnt a place for you to continuously talk about other peoples countries and governments, needlessly, mind you, to the point that you talk down entire nations.
We don't put up with people going around to every Intel post and saying "INTEL SUCKS AMD RULES", and we arent going to put up with someone constantly going around saying that other countries and government sucks.
It is not a "discussion" then, and it is not fun, nor easy, for anyone to talk about. There's a reason that I'm the ONLY user to reply to you.
So, like I said. Cool it. Keep it an actual discussion, not a lynching for anyone that writes a political reply.
I see your points, (except the slow-creep of online-censorship). My job interfaces with politics in my country. My experience probably made me more jaded then most. I'm not going to be able to change. I think the best course of action is to leave. No hard feelings.
Leaving is definitely not the course of action I would suggest. Simply not being so aggressive to those with a different opinion than yourself would solve the issue.
In my daily environment my way of expressing political opinions is viewed as tame, anything less forcefully simply is inaudible. I'm often confronted with people that are trying to get government approved Internet-white-lists in place . I guess it isn't entirely a bad thing that I've been riding these people. I honestly didn't realize I was "barraging" people, it feels so normal to me.
I'm no where nearly sophisticated enough as to switch off that mechanism. I certainly don't have the presence of mind to suppress it. Given the fact that I haven't even picked up on the fact that the tone is here is different, is somewhat worrisome.
I'm going to vanish for a while, solving personal behavior issues in the presence of the triggers that cause it, isn't really possible.
"I'm going to vanish for a while, solving personal behavior issues in the presence of the triggers that cause it, isn't really possible."
Sorry to intrude on your conversation, but I feel this is warranted. What "personal behavior issues"? I have no problems whatsoever with your tone, and I personally enjoy reading your posts, I see nothing wrong with what you are saying or how you are saying it.
Some people like to be politically correct in all things. Some people are very passionate about what they are saying.
This whole thing is my fault and a complete misunderstanding.
I confused this user with another user that was being a lot harsher with his posting. An email has been sent, apologizing, and explaining the situation.