This is more thinking out loud than anything, the inner thoughts aren’t being helpful.
My main apps are single threaded, CAD and 3D Modelling, no worries there. But occasionally I’d be asked to create a render, the software I use is CPU intensive, so I’d normally sacrifice some patience while my machine painfully created pretty images. The process sometimes requires a little video editing, which is again a bit painful, but I rarely did it, so I put up with it. Because of this, I was really looking forward to building a 3950X based machine and probably re-using my very reliable Quadro P2000 (brilliantly smooth for 2D CAD), no more CPU bottlenecks and may be I could even do other work at the same time! I did have a GTX 1070 in another machine, but it just never felt right - though there’s a possibility the REG ECC RAM I had installed in the previous machine had something to do with it (I don’t have patience/time to diagnose).
So all was well, the plan was in place for when funds permit…and then I tried some other rendering software, it was brilliant, but it’s GPU intensive, so now I’m thinking big GPU and modest CPU. I’m even considering sticking to Intel, perhaps an 8-10 core, but only because of the higher clock which suits my single threaded needs.
What doesn’t help matters in the finance department is that I’ve recently blown a noticeable amount of money (and time!) on preparing a new FreeNAS machine along with a separate snapshot machine, which doesn’t help…I guess I can stall that for a bit, and have fingers crossed that Windows doesn’t allow too many silent corruptions. It’s certainly taken some learning to become familiar with FreeNAS, but I think it’s well worth doing as my files have value to them.
So I’m a bit stumped, I was looking forward to the 3950X, being back in the AMD camp, and this unintended path has slightly scuppered my plans! I would likely get an RTX 3080 once the buying craze has calmed down, I’m sure that’ll give me superb performance in the new rendering software.
I’m probably going to get a new laptop next year as well, with a budget of around £2k / $2.5k, but only because I want a machine that’ll get close to matching the performance of my workstation.
I had a brief chat on another forum and the feedback I got was go AMD, Intel aren’t good for security or performance…I’m really openminded here, so welcome any thoughts.
So, wonder what I’ll do!
- Intel
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