Ugh more PC problems

I have no idea what to do anymore, and yes this is in general discussion because there isn't a "my whole entire PC" section..


So i'm playing battlefield 3 with my 4790k and my 16GB RAM and 780Ti

and then this:


The temps for my CPU are pinned at 80c (i turned all my fans on high to get them down to 70c like in the pic)


I'm getting bellow 60 fps too..



So my 4790K is bottlenecking my 780Ti? It shouldn't bottleneck anything! For the next 3 years!

I also changed out the heatsink because this has been happening for a few days, it was getting to 110+ earlier..

Your running 1.7V on the vcore. Tone that shit down. Jesus fuck. Stock voltage dosent get that much past 1.2v and a standard overclock on air is recomended under 1.4. Hell even liquid nitrogen guys stop at about 1.7-1.8. I have maxed on 1.66 on my 4770k on water and I was hitting high 90's. Reset your overclock to default and start again. Aim for best overclock with a max voltage of 1.4v and you will be fine.

Seriously 1.7v is idiotic past benchmarks and even then if you dont know what your doing its risky. Plenty of CPU's have died from much less.

Even phantom with his 5GHz 4670k had issues with heat at 1.6v the one time he overvolted that high and hes on a custom loop.

Drop that shit down before you burn out your CPU and or mobo

I'll move it into Other Hardware in the meantime, till there is a subforum dedicated for tech support.

1.7v omfg! holy shit, that high for any sustained period is chip killing territory. Suicide runs on ln2 or phase change - yeah go for it, everyday. no no no

Chances are you have damaged the cpu or at bare a bare minimum ruined any chance of a decent stable overclock with moderate voltage.

It wouldve been throttling core big time ~ fps drop.

Read this > look at the voltages >


The only thing i've done is turn on XMP, i haven't even OCed at all! It's all at stock with turbo turned off!


Should I just do i bios reset? Last time I looked it was on auto..

Oh thanks :)

Bios reset. That shit chances are is not good for your CPU. XMP profiles can cause issues depending on the profile so that could easily caused that.

Also does your mobo have a tpu switch? if it does and its set on, that may have caused it.

I wouldnt go as far as saying its damaged. people underestimate what haswell can handle but its also all on a chip by chip bases. I know of people still running 1.6v on a custom loop and have done for months but I also know of people who pushed their 4770k to 1.3v and fried their chip

1.7v and no high end cooling damage is very much a possibility. Without knowing the LLC it could've been more.


I only just re-installed windows a couple days ago and turned the XMP profile on then.

Sorry bout the shitty quality photos :/

Do I see CPU Voltage at 1.696 V on auto in the pics ?!?

Change that manually to 1.2-1.3V

Except for that other V look OK


Why would the Mobo think 1.7V is ok ... There has to be something fishy .

Let me just check my profiles. Something just dosent match up.

Do overclocking manually - that includes memory settings.

Configure RAM timings and voltage as it shows on the dimms themselves or packet/spec sheet.

in the bios everything is fine. Core voltage seems to be about right and imput voltage is to spec as well. Got CPU-Z installed? It will give us a better idea on the vcore.

Here is my low overclock as reference.


Yeah it looks like it, even though it says 1.07 on another CPU voltage thing also in the pictures.

I would say cpu-z is more reliable. If the voltage ios not the issue then im thinking your looking at a disloged heat spreader. You may want to look at getting it RMA'd if ou dont have another rig to test it on. Sounds like something has gone wrong.

It's weird though coz in bios it says that core voltage 1.07 and Cpu input voltage is 1.70, like what;s the difference?


It shouldn't be though coz I've already replaced the heatsink and used good thermal compound and both coolers gave the same results, maybe 5c better on the new one..


And if I do RMA then what exactly do I RMA? The Mobo or the CPU?