So I've been messing with upgrading my old system to make it a decent backup or for a friend when they come over to use. I thought I managed to get it stable at 3ghz but after a while it will Lock up.I don't know if I'm missing something or if I have a bad setting or if I just need better ram.
Currently the system is a Q6600 (G0 version) Supposedly the better one for overclocking. Ive got the FSB set to 1333 to acheive the 3ghz, got ram speed unlocked and set to the stock 800mhz ram setting, Vcore I dont think I can change but its at 1.3v which is supposed to be fully capable of this overclock.
But after running Prime95 for a while, normally it passes the first run with no errors then I go to check on it and move the mouse only to find the system has locked up. Do I have to step up my game and get some 1066 ddr2 ram for this thing or something? I've ran Memtest and the ram passes. Anyhelp is Greatly appreciated!
Update: I've Lowered the Overclock by setting the FSB from 1333 to 1275 and I'm getting a Overclock of just over 2.8ghz and it seems to be running Fine at these settings. I guess this Old Kingston PC2-6400 ram just isnt good enough to make a stable 3ghz OC.
Anyone have 4gb of PC2-1066 Desktop ram laying around they want to Sell? Lol
It has been a year since i have gotten my q6600 to 3.5ghz, and this might sound wierd but for me to get to that speed i actually lowered the speed of my ram. But I sold that computer, so i can't really help besides that. but this forum seems to answer alot of your question, check out other sites for the answer. that's what I did :P. Trust me someone has had your problem so there will be an answer on the internet already.
Not trying to make people leave this site BTW, just trying to help someone get an answer from like forum post made in 2009 when that cpu was popular. I don't think this site was around back then :P.
I've got a single stick hyper x cl5 ddr2 stick with 2gb 1066 mhz laying in a computer, that is probably dead. I'll PM you, if I am going to sell it (PROBABLY!!!! god). Here is my threat, about my broken PC:
By the way: I can test the pc's bad psu now, with my new arrived psu (hah! haven't thought about that!), so about next week I should be done diagnosing the problem, and then I'll PM you ;)