UE4 Elemental Benchmark

Someone has uploaded the Unreal Engine 4 Elemental Benchmark. You can get it here: http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/181608-download-and-run-the-unreal-engine-4-elemental-benchmark-demo-on-your-pc

How does it perform on your PC when you run it? Personally, on my HD 7950 @ 1100/1500, at 1080p, I was usually getting between 35-45 FPS, until the very last few seconds where I got 25.

Downloading now, will update once I run it.

I have a EVGA GTX 760 SC 2GB clocked a little higher than stock. Core is 1071 with a bost to 1241. Memory is clocked at 6518Mhz. It stayed solid most of the benchmark at 35 FPS. Hit 40 for a few seconds and dropped to 20 FPS at the end.

Oh sorry Resolution was 1920X1080