I have a Dell Inspiron 15R 5537. I have had lots of problems with it, on arrival it had Windows 8. I tried to install Linux Mint but all the drivers were broken, it was running in low-graphics mode etc. So I tried windows 7, and had the same issues, the regrettably went back to windows 8 :'(
Just tried Ubuntu since reading online that it supported my laptop (who knew?!?!). And it bloody hell it works! I was incredibly surprised, all the drivers work even multi touch on the track pad!
Anyway, it just leaves me a little confused since, Linux Mint is based off Ubuntu... surely it would have the same drivers etc, why have I had such a different experience. I ask mostly because I much prefer the UI of Mint over Ubuntu's trendy unity interface.
Any reason, why you consider it the worst Linux UI? Cinnamon and Mate feel like just another Gnome2/Windows clones, with no real value but familiarity. KDE is cool with it's customizability, but for me is a bit overwhelming with it's capabilities (default look still being Windows-like). My experience with LXDE and XFCE is pretty good - nice, lightweight DEs, but a bit clunky and buggy (extensions often crashing) and feels like 1995.
The only real competition for me is Gnome Shell, which is cool, a bit futuristic (I really love the look) but even though I REALLY tried to like it, it just feels less productive then Unity.
There are only three things I'd really love to change about Ubuntu/Unity:
- default file manager - Gnome 3 nautilus is a big UX step down from Gnome 2 and Nemo, while similar to the old Nautilus is too unstable for me (crashes several times a day on each of mine Ubuntu installs)
- bring back Evolution and it's integration - I miss it very much. I read that it was too unstable and clunky for BFUs, but I never had any problem with it.
- bring back Launcher Intellihide - again, forsaken for the sake of BFUs... Should have stayed optional, instead of just scratching it completely. Although I guess they needed to reallocate the manhours to something more important.
Yeah.. I can see how that locked Launcher might be an inconvenience for many users... I just like the way it is, and set my launcher/dock/taskbar on the left edge across all OSs and DEs that I use. On a widescreen it saves screen real estate and gets out of way :)
It's likely due to the fact that Mint is now only building off of Ubuntu LTS releases so that they can further stabilize their own software and reduce the workload on their small team instead of chasing Ubuntu's every 6 months release cycle.
Which would explain why Mint 17.1 wouldn't work but Ubuntu 14.10 would as Mint 17.1 is built off of Ubuntu 14.04LTS.