With the new zenphone 2 for 300$ usd and it having specs comparable to a netbook, could we possible run ubuntu on there. Yes. But could we obtain the ability since I would assume people are just going to use virltulization to but ubuntu on there and then just cut down the resources of android, but how could we have full integration with the hardware?
Ubuntu touch with the dock intagration like seen on youtube where it transforms into a full OS? That would be cool but I have no idea the work involved. Mabey @Zoltan knows...
Asus has already released the kernel source code which would incorporate the source of most device drivers making the port realistically achievable with a bit of work behind it.
That was an older version of Ubuntu on mobile. The new versions do not work in the same way, they can't do those things any more...
Still does with programs: @CryTek_Penguin
That's sad. That was the best part of it. Now it is just another touch os. Meh.
Well, it's like iOS and Windows X, it does "convergence". KDE and Android have been doing that for years already lolz, and if you run a regular GNU/Linux distro on mobile device, everything is possible, but then very few people do these things because they require at least 20 minutes of time and some research lolz...