Ubuntu setting refresh rate above 60Hz with GTX 780 Ti and Korean 1440p Monitor?

I've been trying for weeks to figure out how to use my overclocked monitor settings (I'm using an X-star dp2710 korean monitor)on Ubuntu. On windows 8.1 I can get the monitor to run at 107 Hz perfectly without issues, but Ubuntu WILL NOT let me go over 60 Hz no matter what I try. I have installed Nvidia's proprietary driver (the one that's tested to work) for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I've installed all kinds of different programs and terminal methods of adding my own custom resolution, and NONE of them work. None. Not to sound fed up or anything but I'm starting to get really frustrated with how hard it is to do such a simple thing like this. Please if any of you have a found a workaround for this, let me know. I've reverted back to windows simply because I cannot run at a lesser refresh rate than my monitor can support.