Probably not, you might want to hook it up to your old setup and flash the newest firmware available but I wouldn’t hold by breath. Your best bet is to try another slot on the motherboard.
Already tried 2. Guess I’ll go try that last one
No Joy…Also install megacli…Booted up the old MOBO and megacli couldn’t see the controller, even though the pool imported…So no FW update either
Hmm… Perhaps you could get by with an ASMedia ASM1164/ASM1166 based card instead?
I have a ASM1166-based one apart from an enumeration bug it work fines for me at least and doesn’t break the bank.
I’ll have another go today,
Is there any way of knowing what cards are going to be compatible?
Either that or I fork out loads of money and switch to SSDs
Not really unless they list specific hardware requirements such as bifurcation.
Something like these cards should work unless you have SAS drives but I can’t obviously vouch for 100% compatbility as I don’t have your hardware.
These cards are PCIe 2.0 x1 cards. Even IF everything is compatible, there is a bottleneck in bandwidth. I’ve seen these cheap cards before, even seen a 24 port before. Madness for anything > 2xHDDs or 1xSSDs
They’re 2x and 4x according to Startech and you’re mixing these up with some other variants
Not sure why it’s 4x as the chipsets are both 2x
I’m strictly referring to the terms of service and PCI specifications on the linked amazon articles.
Not sure where you’re reading as both are listed as 4x (incorrectly on Amazon)?
I had some cheap ones before my LSI card…Utter crap
I am just going to cut down the number of HDD…Probably go from raid 10 > raid 5.
Can’t justify the price for SSD storage, yet…This whole exercise was to try and save on some power