Hey all! I am trying to get KVM up and running on a headless Ubuntu server box that I have. I have installed everything that I need I believe, I have an Ubuntu 18.10 iso in an appropriate folder, and I believe that I have correctly created a virtual drive. I have tried multiple times with slight variations of the following:
virt-install --name ubuntu --description “Ubuntu 18.10” --ram=4096 --vcpus=4 --cpu host --hvm --disk path=/mediassd/virtualdisks/ubuntu.vml,size=20 --cdrom /mediassd/virtualmachines/ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso --graphics vnc
However at this point it stalls at a line reading that the domain installation is being done and to please wait. But it never completes.
I am sure that someone has gotten this before and I am sure it is some silly small thing that I am doing wrong. I cannot get to the TigerVNC part since I cant actually create the VM to begin with.
What am I doing wrong?
What other info do yall need?
This is my first experience with VM’s on a headless server remotely but not my first experience with VM’s. I have used Virtualbox in the past on multiple host OSes with various guests so I am no virgin to the world of Vm’s but I AM one when it comes to a headless Ubuntu Server host. Please help! thanks!