Apu:amd A4-5300 Dual core 3.4ghz fm2
Mobo:Asrock fm2A75M-DGS
Mem:Geberic 2 gb kingston
hdd: 3 1tb barracuda
Soon ill run the os off a flash drive.
Any way to the point.Ive installed ubuntu 12.10, and i seem to get a blank screen every time i get the option for ubuntu, advance ubuntu and something else i cant think of what it is at the moment. I cant seem to get in to the terminal but i can get to the boot command line, any thoughts ive been trying to get it up and running for a couple days.
thanks in advance for the help.
sudo apt-get install updates
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
Ubnutu server is a server os and dosent have a desktop as defult use the 2 cmd lines to install a gnone desktop
thanks for the fast reply but i thought once you start it up you get to a terminal my monitor just recives no signal
You log in to a terminal when there is no desktop ...its just a black screen.
Iam not shure but i think you need to connect to it remotely (with a linux console or putty on windows os)
Or VNC for desktop (you need to install that and set it up)
I have had planty of remote servers(dedicated servers in france) but i have never set up a home server
sorry for taking so long to reply my brother was drunk and i had to fo pick him up and his friends from a bar thats far away but dont you need to login on ubuntu server machine its self to connect remotely by ssh .
Yes but you will have to set that up...it will be a lot better just useing ubuntu desktop 10.04LTS insted of a server os if you whanted to just add a monitor to it + you can still use it as a server and ssh or vnc in to it remotely.
Server companys still offer 10.04LTS desktop because it's boom proof low resource and easy to set up for remote use with a visual desktop
ok thanks for the help ill give it try i really appreciate your help