I'm looking for a new smartphone (AT&T), but here's the thing: I want to install Ubuntu 13.10 or whatever is the newest on it. Does anyone have any input for the most optimized system to run it on? I am more of an HTC, Samsung, Nokia, etc person, but I'm willing to get an iPhone because the screens are nice (high resolution and fast response time). I am going to use this for a long time, so I'd like a phone with at least a 13MP camera and a 1080p screen. So...yeah... if anyone has suggestions for an AT&T phone on which I could run Ubuntu that has tons of nice features, I'd really appreciate it (I'm still considering the NVIDIA Tegra phones made by HTC?)
Nexus 5.
buy a nexus 5 and with the money you save get a nice digital camera that will blow any phone out the water >.>
ehh but the HTC One is nice too (though not as powerful as the N5). Linus really enjoyed it. not sure the gpu will make much of a difference; i would suspect it to be cpu rendered anyway (lack of drivers).
Or if you would rather put your money into something else but still have a nice phone the moto g is out there....though it meets almost nothing your looking for.
Whatever you decide Ubuntu will most likely not run well on any phone. We sadly don't have the edge yet.
If you're looking to run the "Ubuntu OS" for phones, then you HAVE to get a Nexus device, it's the only line of devices that support it.
If you want to run the full Ubuntu OS on a phone, then that isnt really going to work, and you'll need a tablet. Ubuntu works great on a nexus 7.
But as I stated before, Ubuntu phone OS only works on Nexus devices, so a Nexus 5 would be best.
You don't need a Nexus device for Ubuntu. It runs on my Motorola Droid RAZR(pretty laggy, but it works). However the nexus devices and the Ubuntu Edge are the only ones supported by Canonical.
I hear it only works well on the Nexus 5. Damnit, I have a S4 :(
sell the S4, buy a nexus 5 with that money, and then get yourself a few dozen games with the leftovers. the Nexus 5 is dirt cheap. say hello to Google subsidized hardware! a $350 phone that competes with any $700 phone you care to name.
I tried to spam, but here are my IP addresses:
Does anyone know on what port the cam and mic spystream from Xbones sits?
It would be so much fun to hack into spammers XBones and record them to give them their 15 nanoseconds of fame on the interwebz...
Sorry that this is a bit off topic, but I've been trying to contact you through the teksyndicate email system-thing but I don't know if you received it, or if that even works right now. I'm looking for help on moving entirely to Linux and virtualising windows to play some games and run some proprietary software under windows so that I don't taint the Linux install. I've been struggling with it and I was wandering if you could help me?
I'll keep an eye on this thread for a while and wait for a reply, If you could then help get me pointed in the right direction that would be super helpful, and I would appreciate it so much.
I read that, that's what inspired me to do this, but I couldn't figure it out. I've done a bit of virtualisation before but nothing major, I though why not ask for help from the maker of the post himself. I just really want to get this working.
Edit: I know he said in one of his comments on that post that this is advanced Linux, I'm aware of this but I want to do this so bad it's not even funny. I need to get rid of windows from my computer. I'm prepared to go any Linux distro really, as long as gnome-classic works properly :D
I am more partial to Debian based distros, mainly because I'm more familiar with apt-get and I prefer apt-get to zypper, mainly because I can type apt-get easier :P
I answered your email in the forum.
Debian will do just fine, as long as it's not Debian stable, use Sid and you'll be fine.
First it may be interesting to look if your games run well in wine. Depending on the windows files that are needed, this can be a liability or not, so you'll potentially have to use an lxc, unless you have SELinux or Tomoyo v1 going on.
Sometimes that not a solution, and then you have to virtualize. For games, there is only one solution: hardware virtualization with either a PCI- or a VGA-passthrough.
APU's and iGPU's are easy because you can bind the PCI slot of your graphics card to the guest OS and run the host on the iGPU. In that case, you switch between the screen of your host and that of your guest with the input selector on your monitor. This is also the only option for nVidia graphics cards, which can be VGA-passed through with the nouveau driver, but that sucks for gaming, but the proprietary driver locks the card if you try to pass it through with VGA passthrough, so you have to use PCI passthrough, whereby the bound card must be in the first PCI slot (nVidia uses some kind of Microsoft-ish hardware spyware malware firmware thingy, only the card that is detected first by the BIOS can be bound to the guest).
VGA-passthrough is not difficult as such, but it's difficult to implement, and very system-dependent, it's really impossible to give any kind of even basic direction of how to go about it. What you have to do is to allow linux to unbind the main VGA card from the host when you switch to the guest and vice versa. The linux host can handle that, even though there is some work with persistent settings and some system references, but the windows guest just can't, you'll bluescreen your virtual windows. So you have to save your gameplay data in a shared folder outside of the guest, never update windows, strip windows of a metric buttton of bloatware that tries stuff behind your back, and shut down windows before running the custom script that unbinds the VGA card from the guest and binds it to the host again.
What works the best in terms of hardware: very simple: all AMD systems. You can't run the host on proprietary drivers if you want to bind/unbind because of the kernel modules, so it only works if the host uses open source drivers, and open source AMD drivers are pretty good and certainly good enough for multimedia and linux gaming, whereas the AMD Catalyst is very stable and functional, but not gaming optimized at all in linux, but in Windows, it is quite a good gaming driver, even without Mantle. AMD CPUs and AMD-chipset based motherboards support all the virtualization features, from the cheapest to the most expensive SKU, and it just works. AMD CPUs have the name to be slow because Windows is not optimized for AMD CPUs and in Windows there is always something slowing AMD CPUs down in comparison to Intel CPUs, but in linux (and thus also in Windows as a guest OS in linux), that is not the case, in fact, it is often the contrary, linux just runs really well on AMD CPUs because they have shorter pipelines and more cores than their Intel counterparts. A lot of the technologies that make some Intel CPUs faster in Windows, are actually technologies that make AMD CPUs artificially slower in Windows, and that make Windows faster on Intel instead of Intel hardware run faster as such. In linux, this is not the case, linux scales better than windows, and doesn't benefit from processor trickery that much because it's pretty optimized all by itself, and the difference in performance between Intel and AMD becomes almost negligible. Another factor is that most "consumer orientated" Intel motherboards and the more expensive "gamer" or "consumer performance" orientated Intel chipsets and CPUs, artificially block hardware virtualization (IOMMU), so that it's not even possible to PCI- or VGA-passthrough hardware to the guest OS. On AMD chipset mobos, even Asus has to support hardware virtualization, because AMD requires it, and although Asus tries to make users use a BIOS that blocks it, you can use the "beta" BIOS that supports it.
Very sorry to bring this even more off-topic, so after this post I'll hunt the "What if I want everything thread". I was over the moon when I read this post as my system is almost entirely AMD. I have an MSI Twin Frozr III 7850 2GB, the fx 6300 and the gigabyte 970a-ud3. I hope this works well and I can get it working properly. I'll post any further questions in that forum :D