Ubuntu GNOME cable unplugged [SOLVED]

Hey need a little help here. Fresh install of Ubuntu GNOME in a dual boot set up and everything went well except my wired ethernet connection is saying cable not connected. It is assinged an IP when I check ifconfig -a. Just not sure when settings I need to alter in order to get it to show up. Any help would be appreciated.

Really simplistic solution but have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?

Hmm sounds like a hardware or driver issue.
Was just going to say what Kai suggested.
Unplug and replug . Look to see if the ethernet controller is trying to grab an IP.
If it is just unplugged according to the system then the line protocol is down. Have you tried a different ethernet cable? Are there activity lights on you pc port or the switch port.

So unplugged and replugged and nothing. Ifconfig -a is showing that it's getting an ip and showing that there were some TX and rx packets. Connection lights are on. It is now showing up but saying unmanaged

Got the problem solved. Edited /etc/network/interfaces and added the lines

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

As well as editing /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to

plugins=ifupdown, keyfile


It was showing managed=false upon changing that and resetting connection is up and usable. Thanks for all the help!

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Thank you for sharing the solution sorry we were not of much help. However more people including myself need to document our bug fixes and share them like you did. The world would be a better place.

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