I recently built a PC and installed Windows 8 alongside Ubuntu for web dev. They were in different partiotions and i found my self never using Ubuntu. Running out of space on my SSD i decided to delete the partition! Now i boot my computer and it says (on a black screen).
error: no such partition.
grub rescue>
How bad did i mess up and how can i get windows back!
It sounds like to me,( I am not an expert at all) you either deleted windows or it is trying to boot ubuntu. I doubt you deleted windows, so you should try going into the bios and telling to to boot from a different partion. I am sorry if I am completely wrong; I am just taking a stab in the dark.
Thanks for the help i ail try. I'm pretty much a noob in the bios haha! BTW i know i deleted Ubuntu not windows because after i deleted it (on Windows) Windows kept running.
When you delete Linux from your system, you mess up the bootloader. You will need a Windows install or recovery disk to repair it. The instructions on this page explain how to do so.