Hi, I am running KVM on Ubuntu 20.04 & using SR-IOV for an Intel x520 and have an issue were i trying to set Virtual fuctions Spoof checking off & trust on. I should be able to use the command "IP link set PF VF NUM " to change these setting but VF is not seen as an option. Is this function enabled on a specific Kernel Version? i’m curently running 5.4.0 or has this funtion been moved to NetPlan, I don’t seem to be able to find any Documentation either way.
Thanks in advanced.
Hi @SANEPLJ, did you ever find an answer to your question? As I understand how Ubuntu 20.04 networking works, You will be using Netplan to accomplish what you want. I don’t know how you would, but it might be worth a shot to contact the Ubuntu Devs and ask them.
Hi @Shadowbane, I did I miss understood the syntax of the command
I was putting the pysical name and number of the virtual function
so like “IP link set enps50 vf enps50v3” It should be IP link set enps50 vf 3
Not my best moment for sure felt like a bit of an idiot once i relised it
Still need to figure out how to set trust mode and spoofing within Netplan. I know how to create the virtual functions in Netplan, see below if you are interested.
enp7s0f0: {}
addresses: []
virtual-function-count: 63
name: enp7s0f0v[0-62]
enp7s0f1: {}
addresses: []
virtual-function-count: 63
name: enp7s0f1v[0-62]